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Days filled with laughter, with joy and tears,
Through every challenge, we faced all our fears.
Together we grew, our love deep and true,
A beacon of hope, a bond forever new.

Together we grew, our love deep and true,A beacon of hope, a bond forever new

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The breakfast went by quickly. We were offered broth with Naan. Can not say it was delicious but doable.

I do not have the luxury to be picky. Ammi is not here to cook me delicious meals.

The sun was at its peak, glaring at me once again with its heated gaze and making me sweat.

I feel icky all over! I need a shower! A bath! Ooh, I miss the cold water. Do these men even bathe?

Sighing, I wipe my forehead with my sleeve. This is difficult.

I was already feeling dizzy from the heat, and can not imagine what will happen if I were to fight in this heat.

No excuses Hoor! You chose this for yourself!

I wonder what Ammi and Baba would be doing at the moment. They must have noticed my absence by now. Ammi might be searching for me frantically and Baba must be making a reasonable approach to look for me.

Walking with my eyes closed due to the heat, I was not really looking where my feet were taking me until my head slammed into someone's hardback and my body jerked a step behind.

My eyes split open in surprise and I take in the back of this gigantic man.

What was his name again? Khulaid bin Kudsiya was it?

The man turned around with murder looking all over his face. Why does he look like someone just slapped him in the face?!

"Can't you watch where you are going tiny legs!?"

Not knowing what to do, I lower my head a little, and turn on my heel, planning to escape immediately because I did not want to know what he was planning to do next.

So . . . I tried to escape but this man, Khulaid I believe had grabbed me by my arm and pulled me back.

My heart lurched in my throat.

"Where are you going!? Not going to apologize? Oh wait, you can't speak!" He let out a mocking laugh and I narrowed my eyes, holding my fist at bay that had suddenly started itching.

Grabbing the hand that was holding my arm hidden beneath layers and layers of clothing, I used my lady weapon - my long nails hidden under my gloves that I had decided not to cut.

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