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You are the one who makes me whole, And in your love, I find my role.
My heart beats for you, and you alone, With you, my love, I've found my home.

My heart beats for you, and you alone, With you, my love, I've found my home

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The heat from the sun had started to make us sweat. The three hundred men under my command waited for their orders.

Something clicked in me at the thought. What if I make a mistake while leading them?

Khulaid and Aza chose mostly sword and spearman, leaving only a few close-combat warriors for me. This will be difficult.

I knew it would be a waste of time to try to act out all my orders because the warriors need a solid voice to follow, not some mute leading them.

Should I write my instructions down and give it to them? No, that would waste my time even more.

Should I just reveal myself by speaking? No, they would not prefer to fight a war being led by a woman. It's best they don't know and anyway, I do not know if I can trust them to keep a secret.

300 men with the same secret, I would not be surprised if my identity were revealed to everyone across the empire.

Should I get one confidant who I can share and he explains it to the battalion? No, again the problem of trust arises. No matter how better this way is, the risk is too dangerous for my identity.

Thinking hard, I came to a conclusion.

This must me be it!


"Listen my warriors! I Amir Hamza, will carve your path to victory! So I request you all to have faith in my commands.

"If the enemies do come this way, which I am sure they will, I have a plan to beat them. Archers and everyone who is proficient in long-distance fighting, I want you up in the trees, hidden from sight. The three sword wielders and I will remain on the ground.

"The enemy probably thinks that we are short of warriors since we have divided our army according to their plan and they are not wrong! But we have to prove them that even with such little warriors, we can still defend our empire. Even if they have teamed up with another empire, we can still defeat them.

"The primary target of our archers will be the enemies ' archers. Keep your eyes out for them.

"Traps are already planted in the middle of battlefield. No one is to aim at the horses, we will need them to go and help others at the borders. One last thing, wait for the signal!"

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