26. The Strangest Feeling

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I stared at myself in the mirror and frowned. The black dress I'd bought at the thrift store was the right shape, but it was definitely not the look I wanted for tonight. Luckily, no one would actually ever see this dress.

I slipped out of my scuffed black heels and sat cross-legged on the floor of my room. I placed my palms up and laid them lightly on my knees, just like Lark had shown me. My eyes closed and I breathed in and out, concentrating on the rise and fall of my chest and the energy of the room around me. At first, all I could think about was Brooke and how the magic I was learning was borrowed from a group of witches who were planning to turn me into something I never wanted to be. I couldn't concentrate.

I shook my head and tried again. I needed to shut out my fears and all these thoughts about Brooke and the Order. I needed to forget my worries about what would happen in two years when I turned eighteen and think about the present. My only mission these days was to continue to play along and be careful not to raise any suspicions.

I drew as much air into my lungs as I could, then slowly let it out in a calming hiss. I let my body really connect with the floor and the room. I imagined the energy of this room and the house and even the garden and the forest beyond. I felt it begin to hum inside my veins. The blue energy of it soared through the air and into me. I opened myself to it, letting it take up residence inside my frame.

When I felt every inch of my body buzzing with the power of the magic, I slowly re-imagined myself. Instead of a tattered black dress, I imagined a blue dress made of fine silk. The dress I had tried on when we'd all gone shopping. The one I could never afford. In my mind, I zipped the dress onto my body, and it fit perfectly. I imagined a pair of gorgeous silver heels in place of the scuffed black ones.

I pictured myself with the perfect makeup. Every flaw on my skin was covered. My eyelashes were long and thick. I thought about the way actresses looked on the red carpet and tried to picture myself in their makeup. Smokey eyes, perfect pink lip-gloss, a light blush that looked natural.

The changes became so clear in my mind, as if I were looking at a photograph in my head. My breath grew rapid and my skin began to tingle. When I opened my eyes and stood in front of the mirror, I smiled triumphantly. Come what may, at least I'd look good tonight.

Twenty minutes later, the limousine pulled down the long driveway. I watched from the edge of the front balcony as Drake climbed out and looked up at the house. He looked amazing, dressed in a black suit with a blue tie, but good looks just weren't enough.

I stepped back from the window and waited. I'd never been to a dance before, but I imagined it like a scene from the movies. The guy stands in the doorway and looks up as the beautiful girl makes her way down the staircase. The only problem was that I had the feeling I was more in a kind of horror movie these days rather than a romantic comedy.

The knock on the door echoed throughout the front hallway and I heard the click of Ella Mae's heels on the wood floor.

"Well, Mr. Ashworth," she said. "Don't you just look so nice this evening?"

"Is Harper here?" He sounded like such a gentleman. I just hoped he would actually manage to be a gentleman all night. I prayed no one spiked the punch.

I walked slowly to the top of the stairs and placed my hand lightly on the wooden rail. As I made my way down the stairs, I kept my eyes on Drake's face. The look there was priceless. His mouth opened slightly and his eyes were wide with appreciation.

"Wow, you look beautiful," he said, taking my hand when I reached the bottom.

"Thanks," I said.

He planted a light kiss on my cheek, then handed me a small bouquet of blue and white flowers. I sank my nose into them and inhaled the aroma. I found myself wishing Drake had never been such a jerk at that party. Sometimes he could be so thoughtful and sweet, but every time I thought about that night, my stomach felt all twisty inside.

"Just have her home by two," Ella Mae said. Mrs. Shadowford had agreed to extend my curfew for the special event, and I was grateful.

Drake didn't take his eyes off of me for a second, even after we were in the limo. So far, it was just the two of us and he instructed the driver to take us by Foster's place next. "Harper, you look... I mean, you're always pretty, but you are like a goddess tonight."

My face felt warm. I smiled, but inside I was feeling a little bit guilty. Using glamours was fun, but it also seemed a little like cheating. My blonde hair fell in perfect spiral curls all the way down my back with diamond clips at the side. The blue dress clung to my body in all the right places. My makeup looked professionally done. Not too much. Not too little. Just perfect. I could never have looked this good without magic. I reminded myself that I shouldn't get too attached to the idea of using spells for my own benefit, especially since being a witch came at such a high cost.

Drake pulled me into his arms and held me close the whole ride into town. I could smell the slightest scent of alcohol on his breath. I definitely needed to be on my guard tonight. There was no telling what might happen.

We stopped at Foster's, then picked up Lark and Allison's dates, and we headed to Brooke's house where Lark and Allison were already waiting. Brooke's mom took pictures of the group in the backyard out by their garden.

"Nice dress," Lark said with a knowing wink.

"Oh, isn't that the dress you tried on at the mall?" Allison asked. "I thought you said it wasn't the one."

I shrugged. "I just thought it was too good to pass up. Plus, I couldn't find anything better."

"Well, you look beautiful," Brooke said.

I looked around as each couple posed for the camera. Everyone looked happy and perfect, but deep inside my heart, I felt this terrible sense of wrongness. I glanced around the backyard, straining to see into the night, past where the outside lights from Brooke's house could shine. Like the mixer the other night, I had the strangest feeling we were being watched.

"Come on, Harper, get in the picture," Lark called out. Everyone had gathered together for one last shot.

I took a deep breath and tried to shake the eeriness I'd felt, but no matter how hard I tried, the fear followed me like a predator waiting in the inky darkness.

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