32. The Elixir Of Kendria

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"What is with you lately?" Brooke set her lunch on the table and sat next to me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, you're moody. Ever since Homecoming. You aren't acting like yourself," she said.

She was one to talk. "I'm fine."

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and tried to smile. Drake put his arm around me and I wanted to scream. With everything that had been going on, I hadn't found the right time to officially break things off between us.

"Well, this Friday is the last regular game of the season, so we really need you to be one hundred percent," Brooke said.

"This won't be the last game, though," Foster said. He looked at Brooke, but she'd been completely ignoring him for the past several days. I could tell he was both hurt and confused by her sudden change in behavior.

"Not a chance," Drake chimed in. "Win or lose Friday night, we're probably still going to the finals. If we win, we're definitely in. If we lose, then it all depends on what the Red Devils do over in Hawkinsville. If they win, we're out, but if they lose, it's us against Northridge in two weeks."

"Either way," Brooke said. "We still need to make sure all our girls are feeling good and ready to perform. You haven't been feeling sick have you?"

"She's fine," Lark said, coming to my defense. "Jeez, give the girl some space. Last weekend was rough on everyone."

Under the table, I squeezed her hand in thanks and she winked at me.


Friday's game against the Hornets was pretty much attended by the entire town. I did my best to stay in the moment, but my head wasn't really in it. I knew I couldn't afford to make Brooke too suspicious. I tried to concentrate, but what I was really thinking about was Officer Ellis all alone at the police station watching Jackson.

After the game, some of the other officers would probably join him, but during the game, he was alone. Making myself invisible again, even for a few minutes, would be tough. I needed to keep my head together.

The police department was a good two miles from the stadium, and I had hidden my bike in the trees across the road before school that morning. As we neared half-time, my stomach tightened into knots. If anyone on the squad found out what I was doing, I would be in some major trouble. I had to play this out perfectly.

When the buzzer went off announcing half-time, the football team retreated into the field house and the cheerleading squad followed close behind. Usually at half-time, the boosters had refreshments set up in the front room of the field house. I got Lark's attention and hung back from the crowd.

"Thanks for standing up for me yesterday," I said. "The truth is, I'm really just exhausted. It's been crazy at home since Jackson was arrested. Ella Mae's been so busy, we're all having to do extra chores and stuff to make up for it. I think I might be coming down with something."

"Aww, I totally understand," she said.

"Could you do me a huge favor?"

"You know I'd do anything for you."

"Cover for me during half-time. I want to go into the locker room and lay down for a few."

"Sure," she said. "You sure you don't want me to tell Mrs. King you aren't feeling well? She'd probably let you go home early. Or maybe she could even help heal you if you've got a fever or something."

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