48 - Of Son And Mother

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"What?" Nikolas was taken by surprise. "Mother, it is me. Nikolas."

Medusa sadly smiled.

"I'm sorry, Nikolas. But I don't remember." She spoke. "None of us do. That's the fate of those in the Fields of Asphodel."

"What do you mean?" Nikolas questioned.

"Most souls come here after death. Those who didn't travel a path of heroics nor of evil. But before setting foot here, we drink from the river Lethe." She explained. "And with it, we lose our former identities."

"Then you remember nothing?" Nikolas asked. "Nothing at all?"

"No." Medusa shook her head. "We lose only our identities. I know nothing of my personal life. But I remember the beautiful trees and the sparkling water."

A faint smile appeared on her face as she seemed to go into a state of nostalgic bliss, before breaking herself out of it and sighing.

"I've heard things. Apparently I was quite infamous when alive." Medusa spoke. "I don't understand why I'm here and not in Tartarus."

"You were never a bad person." Nikolas stated. "They never understood you, mother."

"Thank you, Nikolas." Medusa smiled. "But...you must go. You're still alive. Live your life."

"I can't. Not without you." Nikolas argued.

"I'm sorry..." Medusa shook her head. "But I'm not who you once knew. I don't even know if you really are my son."

"I would not lie about this." Nikolas stated.

"I don't know if that's true though..." Medusa turned away, sitting down onto the gray, ashen ground. "Please, just go."

Nikolas stood there for a moment, simply standing in shock. He had come all this way, and his mother refused to come back with him.

Because everything they had shared together, all of those memories...

They were gone.

"I am but a simple shade now..." Medusa continued. "...now awaiting my reincarnation. Maybe in my next life I won't be a monster."

Nikolas' fists clenched tightly.

Hades would pay.

But something would have to be done before that. Nikolas sat down as well, crossing his legs and sitting next to Medusa.

"I am not leaving." Nikolas stated. "Until I convince you to come with me."

"Why are you so desperate?" Medusa asked.

"Because I love you." Nikolas spoke. "You are my mother. The only one I had."

Medusa looked at Nikolas, heading the sincerity in his words. She then turned to look back into the distance, before letting out a sigh.

"Tell me about myself." Medusa requested. "Maybe something will...jog my memory..."

She didn't believe that was possible. But she supposed she might as well humor him. If he was actually her son...

And then Nikolas started to speak about their experiences together. It was a strange feeling for Medusa, hearing about the experiences of herself that she couldn't remember.

But each word Nikolas spoke was full of honesty and compassion. And while Medusa didn't recognize or remember a thing, she enjoyed listening to him speak.

And then he got to the moment of her death. How he had returned and her head was gone. Only a deceased body left behind.

"I...that's horrible." Medusa spoke. "When was that?"

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