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Chapter Three - New Roomie

Faye West's P.O.V.

I step out of my room with a loud yawn only to shriek when I open my eyes and see a boy my age standing in the kitchen. I barely catch his gaze roam over my shorts and tank top clad figure before I stumble back and slam the door shut.

Cursing at myself, I get changed before rushing to the bathroom to make myself look more presentable. After I'm done freaking out for a few minutes I eventually open my bedroom door again and peek out with a shy smile.

Light green eyes meet mine once more and I quickly take him in. The stranger has sharp features and a head of blonde hair. His muscles are obvious as his shirt strains against them and even though he's sitting on a stool I can already tell that he's much taller than me. I meet his gaze again and he smiles, revealing a dimple in his left cheek.

I swoon.

"Hey roomie."

Good god! His voice sounds like heaven, I think to myself before mentally snapping myself out of it and rushing forward. "I-I'm sorry –"

"Hi sorry, nice to meet you. I'm Noah Jackson." He jokes. I laugh nervously at that and he shoots me a gorgeous smile in return.

"I'm Faye." I hold out my hand which he shakes. "Faye West."

"Nobody told me that my new dormmate would be so cute." He chuckles and I feel my cheeks burn which he notices. "Wait! Even cuter!"

"Stop it." I mumble before accepting the plate of pancakes that he slides across to me. "I was told you'd be moving in tomorrow so I wasn't expecting anybody."

"Yeah I was out of town but I came back last night so I thought I'd sleep here." He explains with a sheepish smile. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"It's alright." I smile before pointing at the pancakes after taking a bite. "These are delicious!"

"Thanks!" He laughs as he grabs two more for himself. "I love breakfast foods and pancakes are my favorite. Eventually had to teach myself when everyone else got sick of them."

"Same! But I can't cook to save my life so it's usually just toast or cereal for me."

"How have you been surviving? Don't worry, you have me now." He shoots me a wink with an amused smirk. "What are you studying actually?"

"Biology. You?"

"Biological Engineering." He states before frowning thoughtfully. "Do we have any classes together?"

"Immunology?" I guess and his face lights up in realization.

"Yes! And you sit at the front in our Molecular and Engineering class don't you?"

"Yeah." I chuckle, surprised that he noticed me at all.

"Do you have any plans today?" He asks as he finishes and gets up.

"Not really. You?"

"Me neither. How about we go out and do something since it's the weekend?" He suggests before grabbing my plate to wash up. "That way we can get to know each other more too."

"Uh sure, yeah." I nod but feel butterflies storm my tummy at the thought of spending time with him. Don't get ahead of yourself Faye.

"Great! We'll leave in fifteen? I need a quick shower." He wrinkles his nose with a smile.

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