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Chapter Ten - Save the Date

I groan when Noah enters my room the next morning and draws back the curtains. He chuckles softly before taking a seat on my bed and swiping my hair over my shoulder. I grab my blanket and cover my face because I'm sure I look as terrible as I feel. He murmurs good morning and tells me he's brought painkillers.

"You're too loud." I croak as I sit up.

"I'm talking as softly as I can Faye." He deadpans before smirking. "Or should I call you fairy instead?"

"No thank you." I mutter as I take the painkillers. "How much did I drink last night?"

His expression changes to one of mild disappointment. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"No, not much." I shake my head but whimper when even that motion is too much. "I just remember dancing a lot...and I think we were all sitting as a group somewhere?"

"Yeah...that pretty much sums up the night." He smiles but it seems forced causing me to frown in confusion. I'm about to ask him if anything else happened that I may not remember but then he stands. "I've got to get to class. I made you breakfast though and if you need anything else just text me okay?"

I stare up at him before nodding slowly. "Okay. Bye Noah."

"Bye Faye. Rest up." He winks before leaving my room and it's not long before I hear the door shut indicating that he's gone.

After lying in bed and dozing off for another hour I eventually get up. My movements are slow as I make my way into the bathroom to freshen up before I have breakfast. I end up skipping most of my lectures for the day and lounge around the house watching Netflix shows until it's time for my lab in the evening. It's one I can't miss so I get dressed before heading out wearing a hoodie so that I can cover my eyes a little.

"Lilah!" I catch up to her before whispering an apology when she grimaces. "How are you?"

"I could be better but I'm surprised you're out of bed. You were downing drinks like no tomorrow Faye." She chuckles as we make our way across campus.

"Never again." I mumble as I loop my arm through hers. "I feel like death today. How's Soren?"

"Wonderful." She sighs dreamily which makes me laugh. "We went out to grab breakfast and some much needed coffee. If we didn't have this lab I wouldn't have left my place."

She tells me about their plans to explore Massachusetts together now that he's here. I wave at Brody when I spot him in our lab as me and Lilah make our way to our usual bench. We get started and chat throughout the two hours, the conversation soon focusing on an annual sports ball she's attending with Soren this Thursday.

"The Warren Sports Ball is held here every year and a lot of people from the sports world are invited, especially college teams." She explains as I take a seat on the stool.

"That sounds fun! Do you have a dress picked out?"

"No!" She groans as she records some measurements. "Soren's taking me shopping after this lab though so I should be okay before Thursday. Will you keep an eye on your phone in case I need your expert opinion?"

I snort at that but nod regardless. "Of course. I'm very well versed in fashion as you know."

"Thank you my love." She winks cheekily to which I just shake my head at.

We finish our lab before filing out of the room and I bid her goodbye as she rushes off to meet Soren. I grab myself a large cup of coffee to nurse my hangover before starting the trek towards home, mentally running through the assignments that are due by the end of this week.

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