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Chapter Nine - Fae

I grab my coat and bag before opening the door to head out for the evening only to come face to face with a determined Lilah. She shoulders me back inside before kicking the door shut and I plop back down on my couch with a defeated sigh. Dammit! I knew I should've snuck out earlier! I think to myself.

"You're going."

"But I don't want to." I whine as she snatches my things from me.

Apparently the hockey team are throwing a costume party celebrating their win from Friday. Lilah has been pestering me all week about going since the captain is loaded and it's being thrown at his "mansion of a house." Her words not mine.

"Look your birthday is next week so we should start celebrating early! Come on Faye, it'll be so much fun." She pleads as she stands before me with her hands on her hips.

"I don't even have a costume."

"Jess has sorted us all out." She replies with a smug smile. "You're going to go as a fairy."


"Yes! Your name literally means fairy so it'll be cute!" She yanks me up before pushing me into my bedroom.

"Lilah..." I trail off when she returns with bags full of our costumes, makeup and god knows what else.

She takes one look at me before sighing. "Alright I won't force you. It's not your thing and I respect that. But I just want to reassure you that if you do decide to come I'll keep an eye on you the whole night, fight off any guys you're not comfortable dancing with, watch your drinks and replace them with apple juice as soon as you're too drunk."

That makes me smile and I thank my lucky stars that I found a friend like her. "You've thought it all out huh?"

"Of course! You're the last one out of our group to finally turn eighteen! I need to make sure you have fun." She winks before shooting me an expectant look. "So? Will you come with us?"

"Oh, alright." I nod but yelp in surprise when she all but pounces on me in excitement.

"You're going to have the best night!" She squeals happily before dumping out everything in her bags onto my bed. "Let's get ready! We've got a lot to do!"

"What are you dressing up as?"

"Daphne from Scooby Doo." She rolls her eyes as she separates the makeup from the clothes. "I told Soren about the party and he wants me to dress up as her which doesn't even make sense since I don't have a Fred."

"It's still a cute costume." I grin as she throws a towel at me and orders me to go shower.

What Lilah doesn't know is that her boyfriend, Soren, is going to be joining us dressed up as Fred. He texted me a few days ago telling me of his plan to surprise her over this weekend and I'm excited for him to arrive today.

After finding out the date the party I had texted him our building's address and directions so that he can come straight here. I've spoken to him a few times when he's facetimed Lilah and he's the sweetest guy. They're high school sweethearts and I'm glad Lilah's happy with him.

I take a quick shower before Lilah starts on my makeup and hair. My outfit is a gold feathered and strapless dress with pretty wings to match. Jess really outdid herself because Lilah tells me she spent some time on them to make them look less store bought. She even got me a crown to wear that looks like it's made from branches.

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