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Chapter Twelve - Misery Loves Company

I took the day off today...and at first I felt guilty for missing classes but the more I spent just lazing around the dorm the better I felt. Having no labs today either was the cherry on top. I had tried talking to my dad this morning about the partnership, that I was having second thoughts but before I could express what I truly felt he shot me down.

Quick and harsh, as if my thoughts and feelings didn't matter. As if what I wanted didn't mean anything to him. Right before he hung up the otherwise already short call he had mumbled not to waste his time like that especially before work started. And that was when I had decided today was a day for moping.

The sound of the door unlocking snaps me out of my thoughts and instantly I feel pressure building behind my eyes. Shit, I think to myself. Noah.

"Stop! No more crying! God, you're so annoying!" I whisper shout to myself as I quickly bury myself under my blanket.

"Faye? You home fairy?" Noah calls for me but I'm hoping he won't check my room and just assume that I'm out. But then he starts walking in my direction and I curse mentally as he opens the door. "Baby?"

The comforting endearment breaks the dam I was fighting so hard to put up and I sniffle as I pull the blanket higher above my head. I berate myself for crying again but I can't help it. I think about the number of times I've cried in front of Noah since I met him and force myself to toughen up, wiping away any evidence.

"Faye?" He murmurs questionably and the amount of concern in his tone makes me sigh.

I turn around and wave at him with a smile, croaking out a "Hey." His expression immediately darkens at the sight of my face and in three strides he's sitting down on my bed and pulling me onto his lap with one arm. I melt into his hold with a content hum and cuddle up to him.

"Who made you cry?" He asks but it comes out as more of a rumble with the amount of rage in his tone.

"I was watching a sad movie."

"Your laptop is off." He deadpans and I bite my lip.

"Yes." I nod and turn my head to the other side when he tries to look at me. "I remembered all the sad stuff again and it just set me off you know. Maybe my period is on its way."

He hums skeptically before grasping my chin and my eyelids fall shut from the softness of his lips as he kisses them. When I open them again I lock gazes with his narrowed ones, a storm raging in his now darkened green eyes. With a resigned sigh I tell him everything about the call and watch as his expression changes from one of shock to frustration.

"I don't want to go along with this. I want to graduate and then get married to someone I love and want to be with..." I trail off before looking back up at him. "I want to be with you."

"Then we'll figure this out." He closes his eyes as he leans his forehead against mine.

"If this is too much for you –"

"I'm not leaving you Faye." He pulls back angrily. "I guess me talking to him won't help?"

"No, it won't change his mind."

"Alright...well, we just need to come up with a plan to stall them and make this complicated. Messy. I'm not letting you get married to that preppy idiot Ronald –"

"Ryan - sorry, continue." I smile in amusement when he glares at me playfully.

"As I was saying...Ronald McDonald doesn't deserve you. You're mine and I'm going to fight tooth and nail to have that known." His eyes hold promise and it makes my heart flutter. "Don't stress and don't cry especially not over this. I've got you and you'll be okay."

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