Chapter 3

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Word count:515

Nice Dudley AU

Sirius never dies AU

Free Sirius AU


~Sirius P.O.V.~

As I'm writing my reply, I glance back over at Harry's letter, when I see something that breaks my heart in two:

I was going downstairs to get some food because I haven't eaten all week...


I think about mentioning this in the letter, but, knowing Harry, he would just avoid showing up. I decide to tell him to meet me outside of Ollivander's in Diagon Alley, and decide to ask him about that concerning sentence when we meet. I also tell him to make sure those muggles he lives with don't realize he's gone, though that shouldn't be too hard, considering how oblivious they are.


~Harry P.O.V.~

Sirius' reply comes rather quickly, so I assume he must be nearby. I open his letter and notice that the edges are a little crumpled, he must have been in a hurry to answer.

I pat Hedwig on her head and put her back in her cage, not wanting the Dursley's to find her missing. After I take Hedwig back downstairs and place her back in the cupboard, and then I replace the lock. When I'm back in my room, sitting on my bed, I start to read the reply. Sirius says he wants to meet me outside of Ollivander's in Diagon Alley tomorrow at 1' o'clock.

I guess I was right, he is nearby. 


I wake up the next morning, and see that it's August 30th. Wait, AUGUST 30th ALREADY?! I need to pack!

I up and rush downstairs to get my trunk out of the locked cupboard, and pull it up the stairs. I figure I might as well get as much packing done as possible before I go meet up with Sirius. After what feels like forever, I finally finish packing. I look at my watch, and see that it's 12:10 P.M. Almost time for me to go. I go downstairs to check for the Dursley's, wondering why I haven't been bothered yet. Then I spot a note from Dudley on near the couch.


I convinced mum and dad to take me to the zoo, so you could meet up with your Godfather! I hope it goes well! I'll be sure to bring you some food tonight, write what you want on the back of this paper.


A wave of relief washes over me. I see the clock on the wall. 12:15. CRAP! I've got to get going now! I rush over to the fireplace where I hid some floo powder in a ziplock bag. I take some out, and throw it down while saying "DIAGON ALLEY!" in a very clear voice. I don't want to end up in Knockturn Alley again.



I'm so sorry y'all, I meant to post this last night- 😅

It's not very long because I just started 8th grade today so, yay me! I promise I'll try to post a longer chapter soon! So until then, enjoy the many stories Wattpad has!



Also, thank you guys for reading this, and sorry if this story isn't very good, I wrote all these in like, under 3 hours each-

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