Chapter 19 (1k read special)

416 17 13

Word count:1745


Drarry at the end


I can't believe I made it to 1,000.

I did it- 


I can't thank y'all enough, I'm actually crying writing this-


~Dudley P.O.V.~

I try to stop grinning but fail miserably. The thought of being able to see Harry again seems unreal, like something out of a dream, but if you've ever met Harry, you'll know there's no stopping him when he sets his mind to something. My mum is in tears, but they're tears of joy, and she looks happier than I've ever seen her.

"Thank goodness he's okay! I've been worried sick, I thought he left because of me-" she says, wiping her eyes.

"Mum, Harry loves you! You know that!"

"Well I-"

"You're his mum's sister for goodness sake, the closest thing to a mother he's ever had!"

"I-I guess you're right. I can't believe we might actually be able to see him again!"

"There's no doubt in my mind that we will. Now, where's a pen and a piece of paper?"

"I'll get you one Dudley," she says as she shuffles off into her bedroom.

Moments later she returns, a pen and a crisp sheet of white paper in her hand. She hands it to me, and I start to write out a response and she writes her's on the back. 

"Now we just need an envelope."

"Don't worry Duddykins, I've got an envelope right here."

She hands me an envelope as white as the paper and I take it gently from her hand. I carefully fold the letter and place it inside, going up to my room to get tape. Sealing it, I take a piece of yarn off my desk and tie the letter to Hedwig's leg, who is still sitting on my bed.

"Thanks Hedwig," I say, handing her a treat. "Take care of yourself and make sure this gets to Harry as soon as possible, okay?"

She clicks in response, and flies from the bed through the open window to go find Harry again.


~Harry P.O.V.~

I'm sitting in the kitchen, nervously biting my nails, when Hedwig soars in through the open window. I spot the letter tied to her leg with a piece of colorful yarn and feel my eyes well up with tears. This time I don't bother to wipe them away, to excited to finally hear from Dudley and Aunt Petunia again. I remove the letter and start to make my way to my room, when I run into Sirius.

"What happened?! Why're you crying?!" he asks, clearly worried.

"I can't talk right now, I have, um, homework to do!" I say, hiding the letter behind my back.

I didn't tell Sirius and Remus about the letter, it was too personal to me. I rush off to my room, accidentally slamming the door behind me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to slam the door!" I yell, opening the door and sticking my head out just long enough to see Sirius turn around.

Quickly, I pull my head back inside and close the door, careful not to slam it this time. I run over to my bed and sit down on it, hugging my knees. I hear tapping on my window and turn to see Hedwig standing there, her head cocked to the side.

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