Chapter 22

357 13 9

Word count:1805

Slight Drarry 

Slight Romione 

Angsty 😈

Ron being a git

I put myself into the story so beware!


~Ron P.O.V~

I'm sitting in the common room staring at my divination homework, when Ginny walks in.

"Still stuck on that crazy old woman's star chart?"

"Ugggghhhhh, why does she even assign homework?! I choose to take divination because it was supposed to be easy!"

"Who told you that?"

"Fred and Geo-" 

I pause.

"They lied to me! I should have known!"

"I thought you knew better than to trust them about anything school related, but apparently I was wrong."

"I've always felt our futures lay outside the world of academic achievements."

"Fred, I've been thinking the exact same thing."

I jump out of my chair, knocking over my bottle of ink in the process. As Fred and George step through the portrait hole, I attempt to clean up the mess of ink.

"Hey Ronnikins, where's your girlfriend?"

I freeze and feel my ears turn bright red.

"Hermione isn't my girlfriend, George!"

"Not yet..." Ginny says ominously.

"Bloody hell Ronald, it's fourth year and you still haven't made a move-" Fred begins just as Hermione steps into the common room.

"Shut up Fred!"

"If you won't tell her, I will."

"Tell me what?" Hermione says from beside me.

"Are you gonna tell her or will I have to?"

I ignore him completely, trying to steady my breathing.

"You're taking to long," he says, turning to her. "Ron has-"


He puts a hand over my mouth.

"Well, what I was trying to say before I was so rudely interrupted, is that Ron fancies you. He has since second year."

I flush an even brighter red, if that's even possible. He removes his hand from my mouth and I look at the floor, avoiding looking at anyone.

"Huh? I thought you liked Lavender!"

I smile sheepishly and look up at her, noticing that she's slightly red in the face now.


I don't know what I expected, but it definitely wasn't a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Ron, you should have told me!"

I hug her and just stand there for a second, finally aware of just how much I love her.


~Harry P.O.V~

I wake up in Draco's lap, my eyesight blurry and my head hurting. I soon realize that my vision is off because my glasses are in Draco's hand, along with a small vile. I carefully reach out and take them, putting them back on. He's asleep, yet he still looks flawless. I stare at his beautiful face for a minute before deciding to just sit there because I don't want to wake him up. I settle down and lay on his chest again, closing my eyes. A while later I hear a loud gasp and the sound of something getting hit with a book. I slowly open my eyes to find Hermione and Ron standing in front of me. Ron looks livid.

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