Chapter 26

315 11 6

Word count:1103


Mentions of puking



~Draco P.O.V~

I woke up to see Pansy's face hovering only a couple inches from mine, which, if I'm being honest, kind of scared me, but I'd never tell her that.

"Pansy, what the hell are you doing?"

"Admiring your face."

"That's hella creepy, you know? Also, how the actual fuck did you get in here?"

"I let her in," said Blaise, who was standing by the doorway.


"You've never had a problem with it before, so I don't see what the issue is now?" Blaise said, rolling his eyes.

"It's okay when it's in the afternoons, and I don't wake up to her staring at me!"

At this point, Pansy had gone over to stand by the door with Blaise, so at least she wasn't in my face anymore. The only person I would ever let anywhere near my face is Harry. Speaking of Harry, he's seemed a lot more tired than usual lately. I've had to keep him from falling asleep in class for almost 3 days now.

"-raco, DRACO!"

I am snapped back to reality by a furious Pansy snapping her fingers in front of my face.


"Ugh, stop yelling, would you?"

"Well how else was I supposed to break the 'trance' you were in?"

"I wasn't in a trance, I just zoned out."

"Well you've been 'zoning out' a lot ever since you started hanging out with 'The Golden Boy'."

"Pansy, he has a name."

"Fine, Potter, whatever. Regardless of what his name is, I don't trust him."

"Oh please, have you seen the way he looks at him, Pansy? Potter's absolutely smitten," Blaise says, poking her arm with his finger.

"Whatever," Pansy said, doing one of her signature eye rolls.

"Keep rolling your eyes," Blaise said jokingly, "maybe you'll find a brain back there."

Pansy lunged at him, but Blaise had managed to move out of way just in time. I watched from my bed as Blaise ran out the door, closely followed by Pansy, who kept trying to grab him. I sigh, why am I friends with these idiots?

~Harry P.O.V~

I wake up to the smell of bacon frying and it instantly makes me hungry. I still don't ever eat much, if any. I usually don't eat breakfast and then go up to the library to skip lunch. Usually, students aren't allowed to go to the library during lunch, but my teachers don't really seem to care. Why that is, I don't know, but I could make a few guesses. 

I sit up on my bed and reach for my glasses on my nightstand. I decide that I'm going to skip breakfast as I get out of my bed to start my daily search for my school bag. I always seem to forget where I put it, even though I can swear I put it in the same place every time. I eventually find it and set it on my bed, and go to my bathroom to get changed.

When I finish getting ready for school, I grab my school bag and try to mentally prepare myself for my first class of the day, which is Transfiguration. As soon as I walk into the kitchen, Remus hands me a piece of toast.

"Oh, I'm not really hungry..."

Remus now turns to look at me, and he seems angry.

"Harry, eat the toast."

"I'm okay, I'm really not hungry, I-I promise," I say, holding my hands up in surrender.

"Harry, you haven't eaten anything in 3 days! You have to eat something!"

Now I feel like I'm in trouble. I hate being in trouble, because that usually meant getting locked in my room with no food for weeks. It hasn't happened yet since I got here, but it's bound to happen sometime, isn't it?

"Cub, please eat something..."

I'm hungry but I don't want to eat anything; I don't want to get in trouble for "eating all the food".

"I promise I'm not hungry."

"Ugh, I didn't want it to come to this, but if you keep refusing to eat anything, I'll have Madam Pomfrey come down here. Your body needs food to function and make energy, and you look exhausted. Also, do you know what happens when you don't eat? Your body starts eating itself from the inside. What you're doing is far from healthy and could be very dangerous, especially for you! Do you think that Draco would be happy to learn that you're starving?"


"I thought as much. Now eat the damn toast."

I've never actually heard Remus swear before, and I must have reacted weirdly, because he put his hand over his face.

"Sorry, I've just been really worried about you. Sirius and I both have been really worried actually, worried to the point that we've started considering having you take a break from school for a couple weeks," he said, handing me the toast.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you. It's just that I didn't ever get to eat much at the Dursley's. When I would get in trouble I wasn't allowed to eat for at least 2 weeks at a time. Luckily, Dudley was able to bring me snacks from time to time when Vernon wasn't at home."

"I swear, if I ever get my hands on that man, he is going to wish he was never born," he growled.

I take a small bite of the toast and swallow it. Then, "it" starts again, and now start to feel a bit queasy.

"Are you okay? You look a little green," Remus asks me, his voice laced with concern.

I gag, and realize that I'm going to puke. I run to the bathroom and barely make it to the toilet before I puke. I felt like I had just puked my guts up. Just when I thought it was over, it happened again, and again. At one point I felt like I was going to pass out, and my vision started getting a little fuzzy. It stopped almost as soon as it started, and I turned to see Remus behind me, offering me a small, slightly wet towel so I could wipe my face.

"Owww, my stomach hurts," I said, grabbing the counter to try and stand up.

"I can imagine it would. Now then, since I am responsible for your health, mental and physical, you are going to stay here, at least for today."

"I didn't really want to go today so I'm fine with that."

"Good to know. You didn't really have a choice anyways."

"I'm going back to sleep. You were right, I am exhausted."



Hi again! Here is an early Christmas present for you guys, since I probably won't be able to write another holiday special

Love you guys, and thank you so much for 7.3k,

The Author


Question of the day: What is your favorite kind of pie?

Mine is apple pie

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