Chapter 26: Claire & Present Danger

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In Toby's room, Y/N and Jim stood next to the newly discovered fetch, Blinky offering his guidance and Aaarrrgghh and Toby concentrating on the TV, deeply engrossed in a game. Y/N's eyes were focused on the machine, recalling his last encounter with a changeling.

Both Y/N and Jim were eyeing Jim's amulet with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Y/N furrows his brows.

Y/N: "So, the fetch is a pathway to the Darklands?"

Blinky, looking thoughtful, responded, "Not necessarily, Master Y/N. It's more so a device that allows changelings to create a replica of the human they've replaced. This way, the changeling can seamlessly fit into the human world while the real individual is trapped in the Darklands."

Y/N: "What about the Furgolator machine? If it can shrink things down, maybe there's a chance..."

Jim nodded, catching onto Y/N's train of thought. "Exactly. We can go in, all fun-sized, and find Claire's brother."

Toby quickly interjected, "I mean, sure, we can 'go in all fun-size,' but when it wears off, and we become full-size, we'll be trapped in there too."

Blinky raised a hand, gesturing for them to calm down, "The Darklands is a vast labyrinth, Masters. Simply finding Baby Enrique would be an almost impossible task on its own."

Aaarrrgghh: "Gunmar." Aaarrrgghh grumbles.

Nodding in agreement, Blinky continued, "Aaarrrgghh is right. If any of us were foolish enough to cross over, under no circumstances could you be saved, at risk of freeing Gunmar."

While everyone was in deep discussion, Y/N's thoughts were elsewhere. The memories of Nomura were fresh in his mind. The pain, the shock, and the unquenchable thirst for revenge threatened to consume him.

But then there was the current mission, saving Claire's brother. He was torn between the past and the present.

Suddenly, Aaarrrgghh stood furiously, cornering Jim and growling, "Under no circumstances!"

Y/N stepped forward, ready to defend Jim, but Toby intervened, "Dude, don't be reckless! You almost just lost a golden tuna roll! Sit down! Relax." He managed to get Aaarrrgghh to continue with the game.

Jim, trying to steady his breathing after the confrontation, asked, "What happened to the Trollhunter answering every call?"

Blinky looked deep into the eyes of both young warriors, "You both have strong hearts, qualities rarely seen even in trolls. I believe, one day, you will answer that child's call, but that day cannot be today."

Inside the dollhouse, Chompsky watched the mix of trolls and humans discuss before turning to his doll companion, who stood there with her arms crossed, silently observing.

Chompsky emitted a series of frustrated and imploring chatters, seemingly caught in an internal debate.

After a moment, the Gnome decisively left his abode, approaching Toby with determination. He pointed at the fetch, demanding attention.

Toby crouched down to hear him better, "Chompsky..."

Toby shook his head, "No! It's too much to ask."

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