Chapter 33: The Shattered King

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In the early morning quiet of Trollmarket, you find yourself in Vendel's secluded chamber, a room hewn from the ancient, echoing stone itself. It's not an infirmary in the human sense but a space filled with the wisdom and artifacts of troll healing arts, centered around a large stone table that currently serves as your makeshift examination bench. The air is cool and carries the weight of centuries, and the only light comes from the glowing Heartstone crystals embedded in the walls.

Vendel, his expression a blend of concern and curiosity, examines the mark where Angor Rot's staff wounded you. His touch is careful, almost reverent, as he traces the outline of the darkened scar. "This is a mark of deep magic," he intones, his voice deep and resonating in the stone chamber. "However, your recovery seems unusually swift, likely due to your connection with Morgana's magic."

He steps back, his brows furrowing as he contemplates the implications. "Such magic is fraught with uncertainty. You appear unaffected now, but be wary of latent effects." His gaze meets yours, seeking any sign of undisclosed discomfort. "Have you felt anything... out of the ordinary?"

"No, nothing," you respond, the assurance in your voice masking the flicker of doubt that Vendel's words ignite within you. You're grateful, of course, for the lack of pain, but the notion of hidden consequences unsettles you.

Vendel nods, not entirely satisfied but accepting your answer for now. "Very well. But remain vigilant. The effects of dark magic can be unpredictable."

"Thank you, Vendel," you say, rising from the stone table with a stiffness that speaks to recent battles more than any lingering wound. "I'll keep that in mind."

As you leave Vendel's chamber, stepping onto the stone pathway that leads upwards to the surface, a fleeting wave of darkness crosses your vision. It's so quick and unexpected that you halt in your tracks, pressing a hand against the cold wall for support. The sensation is gone as quickly as it came, leaving behind a slight tightness in your chest.

"It's nothing," you reassure yourself, pushing away the uneasy feeling. Your friends are waiting, and you can't afford to be distracted by shadows, either real or imagined.

Stepping into the light of dawn that bathes Arcadia, you head towards the high school, the day ahead offering no hint of the darkness that lurks just beneath the surface.

- Now, At Arcadia Oaks High -

Y/N's approach to Arcadia High is tinged with the remnants of a shadow, an unease that lingers from his recent encounter with Vendel. The crisp morning air fails to dispel the sense of foreboding that accompanies the memory of Angor Rot's "curse." Despite the weight of these thoughts, the familiar dynamics of high school life unfold around him, a cautious reminder of the world he navigates alongside his battles in the shadows.

As he nears the lockers, the scene of social navigation catches his attention. Toby, amid a hopeful romantic proposition, faces Mary, who leans against her locker with a detachment that speaks volumes. Her response to Toby's overture is blunt and dismissive. "I'd rather choke to death," she states flatly. Before striding away, headphones blaring, she casts a parting shot filled with disdain. "Wasn't Y/N supposed to be my date? Well, I'm glad that's over."

Toby, momentarily stunned, recovers with a muttered, "Huh. Your loss," his eyes already scanning for another opportunity, only to find disappointment as Darci evades his attention.

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