Chapter 2

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Gazing at the image of the meadow, my thoughts swirled like a tempest within. The scene's surreal intimacy had me contemplating the blurred lines that separated reality from the ethereal fabric of dreams. Was this haven, this meadow, a tangible entity within the tapestry of existence, or was it a twist of fate, a mere happenstance? A surge of urgency propelled my resolve for answers, compelling me to bridge the chasm between my inquiries and the truth.

With a determination firmed like steel, I directed my focus to the modest plaque nestled beneath the photograph, a beacon of hope for a name that would perhaps offer some information. My heart plummeted as I devoured the words etched upon it—Anonymous. No name graced its surface.

A simmering frustration stirred deep within my core. How could the architect behind this breathtaking image, the very depiction of the meadow that had etched itself into my dreamscape, shun the credit? This place, so vivid yet elusive, was a vital fragment of my subconscious—a puzzle piece that beckoned for connection. It felt as though the universe itself resisted unveiling this enigmatic meadow, leaving me to question why such reluctance persisted.

Summoning a resolute breath, I shifted my focus from the photograph and retraced my path through the gallery's chambers. Each stride echoed my racing heart, the rhythm of my steps mirroring the rapid cadence of my thoughts. I needed to locate Lily, her camaraderie felt like the tether I needed to  ground me amid this whirlwind of discovery.

Drawing nearer to the spot where I had parted ways with Lily and the mysterious gentleman, my gaze settled upon them. Engrossed in their exchange, their laughter and shared glances weaved a narrative of an unfolding connection. A pang reverberated through my chest, a bittersweet concoction—a cocktail of elation for Lily's burgeoning romance, mixed with an unexpected thread of solitude that snaked its way into my heart.

Our gazes interlocked, and Lily's attention gracefully veered from her companion, a radiant smile spilling across her features as she beckoned me closer. My footsteps felt leaden, bearing the weight of the puzzling fragments swirling in my thoughts, a mosaic of the unknown and the undiscovered.

"Isa, you're here!" Lily's exclamation was an enthusiastic burst, a melody charged with genuine excitement.

Lily pivoted towards her companion, a light kindling in her eyes. "Isa, meet Nathan. Nathan, this is Isabella. And guess what? He's the owner of this amazing gallery."

"Isabella," he greeted, his smile a radiant beacon of warmth, a hand extended in a gesture of welcome. My lips curved in a courteous response, my heart beating rapidly in my chest. I extended my hand, clasping his in a handshake that spoke volumes. "A pleasure, Nathan."

In that handshake, a firm grip echoed his own intrigue, his gaze a mosaic of curiosity as it met mine. "Likewise."

As Nathan and I swapped pleasantries, a subtle unrest simmered beneath the surface, ignited by the photograph of the meadow. Our conversation flowed, yet a wildfire of contemplation blazed within me, questions racing like untamed stallions. My focus balanced on the tightrope of the discussion, but my thoughts danced elsewhere, painting an abstract tapestry of inquiry and eagerness.

Lily's keen perception was a lighthouse amidst the waves of my thoughts. "Isa are you okay, you seem a bit... frazzled. Everything alright?"

Exhaling a sigh, I permitted a sliver of vulnerability, my guard granting a fraction of retreat within her presence. "I just... Lily, I stumbled upon a photograph. It's the very meadow that's in my dreams. You know, the one with the wolf. But in the picture, the wolf is absent. Only the meadow remains."

Lily's gaze expanded, her expression a mix of wonder and realization. "Hold up, you stumbled on a picture of that meadow, right here, in this very gallery?"

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