Chapter 15

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Panic surged through me as the intruder's vice-like grip closed around my arm. I barely had a moment to react before I was yanked away from the records and dragged into darkness. It felt like the air itself was being sucked out of my lungs.

The suddenness of the abduction left me disoriented and terrified. My mind raced, trying to make sense of what was happening. Who was this person, and why had they taken me? Fear knotted my stomach, and my heart pounded like a drum in my chest.

I struggled to free myself from their grasp, but the intruder's hold was unyielding. All I could do was gasp for breath and pray for a chance to escape. My surroundings were pitch black, and the stranger's steps echoed ominously.

Then, with an unexpected jerk, we seemed to be hurtling through space and time. The sensation was disorienting, like being caught in a whirlwind. My sense of direction was utterly lost, and I couldn't tell up from down.

When we finally came to a stop, I stumbled forward, barely catching my balance. My captor released me, and I spun around to face them, ready to fight or flee.

My breath caught as I saw the figure before me. It was a woman, small and short, her features shrouded in shadows. I couldn't make out her face clearly, but there was an air about her that sent shivers down my spine.

"Who are you?" I demanded, my voice quivering with a mixture of fear and anger. "Why did you bring me here?"

She remained silent for a moment, her eyes locked on mine. The women's features remained hidden in the dim light, but something about her presence seemed oddly familiar. Then it hit me like a thunderbolt. She looked like me, or rather, she looked like an older, wearier version of me.

"You... you look like me," I stammered, my voice trembling. "Who are you?"

Hee  eyes bore into mine, and for a moment, she didn't respond. Then she spoke, her words laden with sorrow and regret. "I am another Isabella, from another world. A world where my Alexander and I couldn't fulfill the prophecy."

My confusion deepened. Another world? None of this made any sense.

"Why did you bring me here?" I demanded, my fear giving way to frustration.

The other Isabella sighed heavily, as if shouldering the weight of countless burdens. "In our world, we failed to stop the darkness. It consumed everything, including the love between my Alexander and me. But you, you still have a chance. The amulet I possess, it's the key to our salvation and with your help I might just be able to restore my world."

I had so many questions, but it was clear that this other Isabella held the key to unraveling the mystery. As we stood in the dark room , I braced myself for the revelations that were about to come.

The other Isabella's eyes were haunted as she began to unravel the tale of her world's downfall. She spoke of a prophecy much like mine, of a bond between her and her Alexander that was meant to save their realm from encroaching darkness.

"In the beginning," she said, her voice tinged with sadness, "we believed we were destined for greatness. The prophecy foretold that our bond would be the beacon of hope, the key to dispelling the shadows that threatened our world."

She continued, recounting how they had embarked on their journey with hope and determination, just as Alexander and I had. They had faced trials, battled adversaries, and grown closer with each challenge. It was a mirror image of my own experiences.

"But," she said, her voice dropping to a whisper, "somewhere along the way, we lost our way. Doubt crept in, fear took hold. We couldn't bear the weight of our destiny. Our love faltered."

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