Chapter 17

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The splendor of this realm continued to captivate us, when a sudden presence disrupted our reverie. A figure materialized before us, radiating an aura of authority and ancient wisdom. It was Guardian.

The Guardian was a magnificent being, tall and graceful, adorned in robes that seemed woven from stardust and moonlight. Their eyes held the secrets of the cosmos, reflecting the galaxies that adorned the night sky. A serene, otherworldly beauty emanated from them, and their voice echoed like a celestial melody.

The Guardian's demeanor one of stern anger. Their eyes, which had held galaxies moments ago, now flared with an otherworldly intensity. It confronted us with a voice that boomed like celestial thunder.

"How have you ventured into the sacred realm of Nyxar, a place where mortals dare not tread?" The Guardian's words resonated like an echo through the cosmos. "This realm is cloaked in mystery and guarded by the forces of the universe. Speak, travelers, for your presence defies the laws of existence."

My counterpart and I exchanged bewildered glances, our voices faltering in the face of the Guardian's righteous fury. We had no answers, no knowledge of how we had been transported from one enigmatic realm to another, and it was clear that the Guardian expected an explanation.

With a mix of fear and confusion, we stammered, attempting to convey our innocence. "We do not know... We were brought here unknowingly. We seek no harm, Guardian of Nyxar, only answers and guidance."

The Guardian's gaze bore into our very souls, as if searching for the truth within our hearts. In this realm of celestial wonders, it seemed that our fate hung in the balance, determined by the judgment of a cosmic entity whose wrath was as boundless as the cosmos itself.

The Guardian moved closer, preparing to take action against us, each step resonating with cosmic significance, I felt my heart pound within my chest. This celestial being was unlike anything I had ever seen before, an embodiment of the very cosmos itself. Its presence was overwhelming, and I couldn't help but tremble.

But just as the tension reached its peak, a remarkable transformation occurred. From the depths of the celestial forest emerged a figure, bathed in radiant light. She moved gracefully, her every step resonating with an ethereal grace that contrasted sharply with the Guardian's imposing aura. This was the Princess of Nyxar.

Her appearance was nothing short of awe-inspiring. A crown of stars adorned her silvery hair, and her eyes held the wisdom of countless ages. Her voice, when she spoke, was like a celestial choir, a harmonious melody that washed over us.

"Stop," she commanded, her words imbued with an authority that seemed to transcend the celestial realm. The Guardian, while still stern, hesitated, as if compelled to yield to her presence. Its cosmic aura dimmed slightly, like distant galaxies fading into the night.

With a sense of serene authority, the princess approached us. Her gaze shifted between my doppelgänger and me, and she offered a gentle, understanding smile. "I brought them here," she declared, her voice carrying the weight of truth. "They are not trespassers, but my guests."

The Guardian, though still imposing, seemed to relent in the face of the princess's words. It stepped back, its cosmic energy receding, as if acknowledging the authority of Nyxar's royal.

Finally, Seraphina, Princess of Nyxar, turned her gaze fully upon us. Her eyes held a serene wisdom that transcended her youthful appearance. In her presence, the tension that had gripped me moments ago began to dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of relief.

"You are safe now," she assured us, her words resonating like the gentle glow of starlight. "Travelers of different realms, I am Seraphina, Princess of Nyxar, and this realm is my domain."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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