Chapter 2- lost daughter??

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"Sir we have a probleem." One of my men said. "What!?" I snapped. He toke a step back and gulped. "Carl Johnson is missing and we believe that the has Scarlet with him." He says looking very nervous and scared for his live.

I snap my head up and look at him, but all I see is RED. The only problem is I can't kill him yet, because I know there is more to the story. So I nod for him to continue and he does.

"Carl was playing with Scarlet and when I went to see if they are alright they were just gone. We thought they might be playing hide and seek so we left them, that was an hour ago and they are nowhere to be found." He finally finishes. "I'm so sor-BANG" before he could finish I shoot him right between his eyes.

I go to my office shacking the horrible memory out of my head. As I sit down at my desk my phone rings. The number is unknown and I don't usually answer unknown numbers, but my gut is saying I should pick it up, so that is what I do.

"Hello?" I say answering the call. "H-Hello i-is it mis-ter Sa-lva-tore?" a man asks on the other side. "Yes, what do you want?" Se is starting to irrtat me. "S-Sir we f-found your daughter. She is at the Italy police station."

"That is impossible my daughter died along with her foster family." I say in shock.

"Sir she was a 99,9% DNA match with the DNA we have of you. Do you, want to take her in?" the man asks.

"Yes." I say without hesitation."Great we will send you the location." he says. "I'll be there in 5 hours."

After I answer him I end the call and almost throw my phone, when a picture and location comes through.

I sigh and let the boys know I will be out for a while.

When I get on the plain sit down and look at the foto of Scarlet. She is definitely my principesse. She looks just like me and her twin.


To be honest she is very beautiful. Her brown hair is a chocolate like color and her eyes is a chessnut color. She has full lips, but looks very under wight.

Did she not eet enough? Did they not have money to get food?

My thoughts get cut of by the plain landing. As I get off the jet I start to think, what I'm I supposed to say when I meet her. What do you say when you meet your daughter for the first fucking time in 14 years?


When I get to the police station I start to get nervous and my hands are sweating.

I walk inside and all the heads snap to me. Paying no attention to the people staring, some in fear other in confusion, I walk up to the counter.

"I'm here to get my daughter Scarlet."

"Yes, sir I will see in which room she is waiting in for you real quick." The lady behind the desk says and starts typing something on her computer.


I walk into the room where my daughter is waiting for me. The second I see her I feel overwhelmed, but something catches my eye she has a scar above her right brow and she looks as pale as a ghost. I can see a few tattoos on her hands that travel up her black turtlenecks sleeves.

"S-Scarlet?" I ask more than say and her eyes shoot up to mine. "Yes, and you are?" She asks me back. I feel hurt that she does not remember me, but she was only two when she was kidnapped, so I can't blam her and cover the hurt I as fast as possible. "I'm your father, hermoso." I answer her.


She looks at me in shock not believing what she is hearing. I think I should make sure she has everything she needs so I break the silence. "Do you have everything you need?" I ask. "Yes, I do." "OK, great then we are going to go home in New York and you can meet your brothers." I say a sad smile playing on my face.

"B-Brothers?... How many?" she says locking eyes with me.

"Six." I say calmly maybe a little to calmly because qho has six boys in todays time?

"What, SIX!?!" she yells. I chuckle and nod.


We're on the jet and she is looking around with adoration and shock .

"Soo..." I'm the one to break the silence. "Tell me about yourself." I say. "Well... I speak alot of languages, I love to read, cook and party. I'm 16, my favorite color is black and I have never been to the movies." she says in one breath.

I look at her and smile.

"Do you have any friends?" I asks. "I do, but we have not spoken in awhile, because she moved away." she answers. "Okay...Do you like cars?" "Yes I do" "What car is your favorite?" "A mate black McLaren 720S is my favorite, but it must be mate black. How about you what is your favorite car?"

"My favorite car...let me think...AH, a black Bugatti." I answer after a minute." "I do love a black Bugatti." she says with a little lauth at the end.

"Tell me about yourself. "

I looks at her and think. "I love my family very much and would die for them. My wife, your mother, passed away 2 years after you went missing. I never stopped looking for you. And I know that your mother would be over the moon happy to have her neonata back. Your brothers do not know that you are comeing home so it will be a surprise for them tonight." I say with a sad smile.

(baby girl)

After that she fell asleep.


When we get home I take her to her room and I tell her that I will send her dinner. So that we can surprise her brothers after dinner.

At the dinner table I clear my throat and tell the boys to meet me in the living room after dinner. After that we eet and go to the living room. I send one of the maids to go and get Scarlet.

And this is the part where I tell my sons that there missing baby sister is home after 14 years. Wonder how that will go.


Hope it going good .

Word count: 1151

This chapter is not the best and a little confusing, but I thought it would help get some background on her mom and dad.

Question: Do you speak any other languages?

I speak English, a little Italian and Afrikaans.



BORN IN BLOOD MAFIANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ