Chapter Nine - Treat Me

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I knock on the door patiently awaiting a response. When suddenly Kayden opens the door.

"Wassup Kali." He says as steps to the side allowing me to enter the apartment.

Kayden texted me while I was in clinical letting me know that the food should be done by the time I got out.

I replied letting him know I would just stop by to eat it with him since he's always the one having to drive to my dorm and I was already out from leaving clinical anyway.

Kayden stays in the athlete on campus apartments, so he rooms with Jace and Moose. They each get their own room in the apartment but they just share the living space and kitchen.

So it's the same as me and the girls........ theirs is just on campus, so more convenient.

"Wassup Carson." I reply.

He motions his head towards the island "You can take a seat at the island." He says.

Their apartment is actually really nice. Boyish of course with the sports decoration but at least it's decorated. Gotta give them some credit right?

Even the idea of putting nice high rise chairs at the island was a nice touch. Their mom's definitely helped.

"Alright close your eyes." He demands as I hear him shuffle through the cabinets to grab a plate I'm assuming.

A few seconds go by and I hear his opening the oven and placing things onto the plate "Open" he instructs as he places the plate in front of me.

It actually looked good.

He made BBQ chicken, macaroni, rice and gravy with peppers sprinkled throughout the gravy.

My eyes widened in surprise "there's no way you made this." I say in disbelief.

He began making his own plate "I promise you I did." He says truthfully. "Taste it." He says.

I grab the fork going straight for the macaroni to taste it.

I chew it and pretend I'm in thought and he places his plate in front of mine awaiting an answer.

"It's good." I answer and he smiles in return.

I then began to eat the chicken and tried the rice and gravy.

It was good. No Really good.

"Who taught you to cook?" I question him as he takes a bite of the food.

"I don't think I was ever really taught. When my mom used to cook I would stand in the kitchen with her and my sister observing everything they did down to the seasoning." He said.

"A man that knows how to take notes." I boost him.

"Always." He looks at me with a smile showing that award winning dimple.

We then hear the door open and a yelling Moose. "I smell food." Moose says.

They round the corner to see Kayden and I at the island eating dinner.

Jace's eyes widen in disbelief while moose scans the counter. I guess looking for his plate.

"Nah ain't no way I didn't get invited for dinner.... At my own apartment." Jace says in disappointment.

"Bro I left y'all some in the oven." Kayden responds turning to take out the food he had in the oven placing it on the stove for them.

"You made this?" Moose questioned with a surprised expression.

"Yeah." He Kayden says nonchalantly.

"I didn't even know you knew how to cook." Moose responds as he began to make his plate.

Jace shakes his head "Yeah he cooks just never for us." Jace says.

"When are we ever here long enough for me to cook though?" Kayden questioned.

Moose eat a mouthful of macaroni replying "that's valid."

"True" Jace seconded.

After we finished eating our meals, kayden suggested I take a plate home for Jaz and Shayla.

He wrapped them plates and then put an extra one for me stating it was there in case I needed another reminder of his amazing cooking.

"Thanks" I say as I take the Togo boxes.

"So the home game this weekend. Are you going to come?" He questioned curiously.

"Yes scrub I'll be there." I say teasingly.

"Good." He smiles.

"Alrighty thank you for the food again. I guess I'll give you your props." I state making my way to the door.

"That's crazy." He drawls. Grabbing his keys.

I look at him in confusion. "Were are you going." I ask as he shuts their apartment door behind us.

He looks back at me with a "duh" look. "Walking you to your car it's dark outside."

We finally get outside and Kayden waits for me to drive off before I see him turn around to return to his dorm in the rear view mirror.

After arriving at my dorm I walk into the apartment carrying our food freezing in the process.

It's cold out here.

I enter the dorm room to see Shayla and Jaz lying adjacent to each other scrolling on their phones.

"I have arrived bearing food." I state opening the bag handing them their plates.

Shayla grins widely while Jaz digs right in. "Where did you get this from it's amazing." Jaz states intrigued.

Getting a cooking compliment from Jaz holds weight being as though she is the cook in our group.

I sat in the chair beside the couch after placing my plate in the fridge. "You'll never guess."

Jaz squints her eyes in thought. "Well I know this definitely didn't come from the cafe" she laughs.

"Yeah definitely not." Shayla adds.

"Kayden made it." I answered.

"He. Cooks?" Shayla stated flabbergasted. Jaz jaw dropped. "He's really been holding out." Jaz stated absentmindedly.

I laughed at their reactions. "I'll be sure to let him know y'all liked it. He would love to rub that in my face."

Shayla finished her plate then questioned "What's the secret to getting them to cook for you? Maybe I could sprinkle some of that Jace's way."

We all laughed at Shayla's commitment to getting someone to cook for her. She always state how she needs a backup cook if Jaz ever decides to retire.

I shook my head at her. "Let's just take a cooking class together." I state.

Shayla nods her head "Let's do it. But Imma need more than just one." She snaps her finger then points at me.

It's then Jaz's turn and she shakes her head at us stating "my girls".

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