Chapter Seventeen - Hospital Germs

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"So which dress do y'all like more?" Shayla ask exiting the dressing room for the fifth time.

We are currently at a cute dress shop at the mall to find a dress for the ball. I've found mine already. I chose a red strapless dress with a one leg split. When I tried it on and showed the girls they hyped about how cute I looked in it.

And for the first time I agreed.

Jaz chose a blue dress with thin straps and went just slightly above her knees. It was cute a fit her figure perfectly.

Jaz and I looked up from our phones to see Shayla's fifth look today "Wow you look beautiful." I said softly.

She has on a cream dress that is strapless on one side and has two leg slits. "I agree. That's the one girl." Jaz said with a smile.

Shayla turned around to look at the full body mirror "Yeah I think so." She confirmed.

We made our way to the food court at the mall we all had a taste for something the other didn't crave today so we all went to our respective restaurants.

I went to china max because I was in the mood for some sesame chicken. Shayla got a pizza from pizza perfection. And Jaz had gotten a bacon cheeseburger from one of the burger places.

We all sat down at one of the food court tables with our food. "So what happens at these Sorority Ball's anyway?" I say in curiosity.

Jaz ate one of her fries that came with her burger "Well it's really just another opportunity for everyone in the sorority to come together and meet with one another in a fun way."

"The little's just got revealed so it's to make them feel more comfortable around their sorority family and have a good time." Shayla added.

I nodded my head "that's nice."

"Yeah they do like another little reveal have them announce their name and everyone cheers for them. Then they added a few slow dance songs to give everyone an opportunity to dance with their dates . Then we party the rest of the night." Shayla said then taking a bite of her pizza.

"Sounds like fun and a good way to get our mind off the course load we've been having this semester." I say.

"Agreed." Jaz said.


I huffed sitting my clinical bag on the couch "I don't know what's worse Thursday or Friday clinicals."

"Thursday because it's just another reminder of what's to come the next day." Shayla said matter of factly.

"Luckily I don't have one tomorrow." I say in relief flopping on the couch in my scrubs.

Shayla took off her scrub jacket "Well you didn't have to rub it in."

I forgot she has clinical tomorrow. But to be fair I did have clinical all three days last week so I at least deserve a Friday off. Jaz didn't have clinical today but she also has clinical tomorrow.

"Where's Jaz?" I question after realizing she didn't have clinical today.

Shayla shrugged her shoulders "She may be in her

I walk down the hallway to her room knocking then hearing a "come in".

I open the door run and jump on her as she's laying in her bed "I missed you sis." I say hugging her as if I didn't see her yesterday.

She screamed "Ewww hospital germs." I get off of her laughing in the process.

I shake my head still laughing "your are such a germaphobe."

She frowns "and you should be too."

"Anyways I made y'all dinner it's in the fridge." She says with a small smile.

She can never be made at me for long.

"Food in the fridge I heard." Shayla said loudly from the living room. I then heard her footsteps running to the kitchen.

I then ran to the kitchen "What is it?" I asked as she opened an counter with a hungry expression on her face.

"It's Ziti." She says hugging the container to her chest. "She loves us." She whispers.

I chuckle at Shayla and grab my container out of the fridge placing it on the counter.

Shayla goes ahead and takes a bite of her "Cold but very good." She says nodding her head.

"Why don't you go ahead and warm it up I'll go hop in the shower." I say chuckling.

"Thank you Jaz." I yell across the kitchen knowing the sound would travel to her room.

"Your welcome." She yells back not even a second later.

I shower then make my way into the kitchen placing my food in the microwave while on FaceTime with my brother Jordan.

I hold the camera up to my face ready to show him the food I was about to devour.

"Everything been okay though." He ask through the phone.

The microwave beeps and I take my food out the microwave with one hand, holding my phone in the other.

"Yeah college is giving college." I say with a sigh.

I then walk over to the table sitting my food down "Aye what you got there?" He ask. "I heard the microwave beep."

I laugh at his awareness then turn the camera around to show him the container of Ziti "Oh so not fair." He argues.

I sit down ready to shove a fork full in my mouth "Hey take it up with the chef okay." I say taking a bite.

"We'll let me go mute because I know it wasn't you." I gasp. "The roast has got to stop." I say trying to contain my own laughter.

"I didn't say nothing but the truth." He said chuckling.

I huff "and you wonder why I don't call you." I mutter.

He chuckled again "okay okay I'll leave you alone." He says finally.

"Thank you." I say.

"Anyways how are you doing with school?" I question.

"It's going pretty good actually. I like what I'm learning and I'm excited." He says with a smile.

I'm happy for him. School has never been something that he enjoyed. I love that he has found a passion that has allowed him to enjoy learning what he does.

I mirror his smile "that's amazing bro. I'm truly happy for you."

"Thank you." He says then looks up at the camera. I take huge bite of Ziti.

"Man bye." He says laughing then tells me he loves me before ending our call.

I don't think the happiness of annoying your sibling goes away at any age.

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