Chapter Fifteen- Whose the Champ

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"And there goes Mooseeeee Oliver with the slam dunk" the announcer hyped.

The score is currently 64-60 with Lawford in lead. It's been like this since the first two minutes of the game. For each score Lawford made, Nightinn was in tow ready to even the score board.

"This is about as good as an NBA game." Shayla added.

I agree the competitiveness is on another level today. The type of level that had everyone on the edge of there seats waiting to see who was going to score next.

The player from Nightinn, Chance I think I heard the announcer say at one point during the game; pushed one the Lawford players down intentionally before scoring. Giving Lawford a chance at a free throw shoot.

"Come on come on." I whispered lowly praying that he made the shot.

Laken the Lawford player made the foul shoot giving the team points on the scoreboard.

Everyone who is in support of Lawford clapped in response to the shot.

"Let's go Lawford." Everyone chanted as the last seconds of the first half ran the clock.

The horn blared signaling the end of the first half. Both teams then exited the court making their way into the locker rooms.

Past plays of todays game appeared on the Jumbotron as the players conferred in their locker rooms.

Jaz pointed at the Jumbotron "Look there's the guys."

A play showed Kayden being trapped between two Nightinn players before he quickly passed the ball to Jace. One of the Nightinn players slacked seeing as though Kayden no longer had the ball.

Jace quickly dribbled while Kayden broke through the hold of other players and Jace quickly passed the ball back to Kayden. He then shot the three from the side of the court showing nothing but net.

Moose and Jace ran over to Kayden placing their hands on his head messing up his already messy overgrown curls in celebration.

The dance team gathered on the court performing for the rest of the halftime.

Shayla leaned over towards me "So which one was it?" She mused indicating to one of the dance members.

I squinted my eyes trying to get a good view "the first row on the left beside the girl in the middle."

Jaz gasped in surprise and locked eyes with Shayla and then looked at me "She's in our sorority."

"A little?" I asked curious whether she is a little of theirs.

Jaz shook her head "No she's an upperclassman. She joined end of last year."

"A senior I think." Shayla confirmed.

Oh. That may explain the glance's towards me. She's probably seen me hanging around Shayla and Jaz. Or seen me tagged in a couple of their photos.

I nodded my head in response.

Five minutes later both teams reappeared on the court ready.

The game consisted of both teams still trying to one up another. However, now we are at the point were there is one minutes left in the game.

The current score is 124-121. With Lawford in lead. As long as they prevent Nightinn from scoring they win the game.

Almost everyone was standing waiting in anticipation.

The Nightinn player was trapped between two good Lawford defensive players. The Nightinn player decided that he would not be breaking out and shot the ball from where he stood.

I sucked in the breath scared that he was going to make the shot. The ball touched the outside rim of the goal before bouncing off as the horn sounded.

The Lawford team rejoiced as the Nightinn player placed his hands behind his head in defeat.

We all jumped with big smiles on our faces excited for our team winning.

"Andddd that's the end of the basketball season with Lawford Bulls winning the state championship title." The announcer hyped on last time.

I looked up at the Jumbotron to see Kayden approach the Nightinn player moving his lips to say something before doing one of the guy handshakes into a hug patting his back.

"That's good sportsmanship right there. I like that." Shayla commented nodding her head.

I couldn't help but laugh at her unseriousness.

Some people started leaving I guess to not be packed in. While others stayed to watch the team be interviewed which was showing on the Jumbotron.

We sat in our seats watching the team players get interview.
I glanced down at my phone to check the time when I seen a text message from Kayden.

Kayden 🏀: Get on the court scrub.
I looked down on the court to see his head in his phone.

Me: Right now?

Kayden🏀: No tomorrow. Yes right now.

I showed the girls the text message and they urged me to go to the court "Are y'all not coming?" I asked expecting them to be right behind me.

"He said you girl." Shayla said with a smile.

I looked down to see my phone light up with another message.

Kayden 🏀: all of you

I then showed the phone to them again. "Well let's go then." Jaz said as we headed down to the court.

It's as if he read my mind.

We made our way down to the court to see the team holding the trophy smiling for a photo by the school photographer and even the NBA videographer.

Once the photo's were over Moose ran over giving all of us a side hug "Wassup gang"

"Moose." I said smiling.

"Congratulations." Jaz spoke up patting his back into the hug.

Kayden and Jace then made there way over after escaping the cameras.

Kayden gave me a full hug wrapping both of his arms  around me pulling me into his sweaty chest. I wrapped my arms back around him then whispered "Okay scrub"

I place my finger on my nose with a small smile.

"Are you trying to say I smell?" He asked lowly hiding a grin.

I shake my head "No of course not." I banter.

Jace softly pushes Kayden out the way "Move over Carson and let me make my rounds." He said pulling me into a quick side hug.

"Go hug Shayla then." Kayden said lowering his voice to a level only Jace and me would hear with a hidden smile.

Jace then patted Kayden's shoulder "I already made my move bro." He said leaving my side.

He then said in low voice "Your turn." With a smile patting Kayden's shoulder.

One of there players then jogged over stating they were about to water board their coach in the locker room hinting at them to join.

The boys made there way to the locker room and one of the reporters looked up at the Jumbotron with a smile.

I looked up a the Jumbotron to see live footage of the team dumping the teams Gatorade supply over the coaches head.

The coach ran a hand over his drenched face with a laugh. He then ran to the players trying to pull them in for hugs as his revenge.

What a good ending to a season.

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