Chapter Eighteen -It Hurts to Feel

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"Okay why don't you guys just set the table. We are almost done." Jaz says giving the guys a task to do.

They make their way into the dinning room to set the table.

It was Shayla and I turn to be the su-chef. So the guys were doing what they normally do and horseplay in the kitchen. Jaz couldn't wait to get them away.

We just finished the last side to the meal which was the macaroni. I don't think we will ever get tired of eating Jaz's macaroni. And I mean ever.

Today we are having Chicken, macaroni, beans, and cabbage.

After placing the macaroni on the stove. We call the boys back in and everyone begins covering their plates with food.

We all then go sit in the dinning room of course in our regular seats.

"I just want to thank our head chef Jaz for always coming up with meals to make and following through." I say praising her.

"Aye clap it up for Jaz." Moose says clapping and we all join.

"Yeah chef Jaz." Kayden cups his mouth and yells.

If Jaz was a lighter color I'm sure we would be seeing the redness on her cheeks right now.

She smiles saying anytime and that she loves us.

We all take a bite of our food then moose says "So why did everyone get an invitation to this ball tomorrow but me." He says crossing his arms with a smirk.

"Everyone?" I ask in confusion.

"Jace and Kayden are going. These two are in the sorority." He motions to Jaz and Shayla.

"And pretty sure your going." He says in confirmation.

"Dude but did you really want to go foreal?" Jace questions.

"I wouldn't have declined." He says teasingly.

I knew that Jace probably was going when Shayla hinted at having a date. It's no secret that they are into eachother as much as they may not want to admit it right now.

"Your going?" I ask Kayden in curiosity.

He looks at me swallowing a bite of his food then at Moose.

"Yeah I'm going." He confirms.

Jaz looks at Moose then Shayla looks at Jace.

If I am Jaz's date and Jace is Shayla's then he has gotten an invite through someone else that much is self explanatory.

"With who?" I question.

"Riley."  He says.

I'm not kidding when I say I felt my heart physically tighten. It hurt. Truly.

Mooses eyes widen in shock. I'm guessing he didn't know that's were Kayden's invite came from. Only that he was going.

Shayla was speechless probably for the first time and Jaz was just pushing food around her plate.

"Oh." I say softly.

I didn't want to further elaborate on that topic. I didn't want to know why, how, or when. I wanted to pretend as if he was never asked.

When Kayden looked at me I know he could instantly sense the slight change in my expression.

What confirmed it was the apologetic look that crossed his face after visualizing mine. Then in a split second his eyebrows creased with a flicker of recognition. But it was gone almost in an instant.

It easily could've been missed if I wasn't paying any attention.

"So what are we making next week?" I ask everyone in attempt to break the awkward silence.

Jaz looked up knowingly "What about Tacos." She said trying to lighten the room.

"I can definitely do that. It's easy." Jace said in response.

"Absolutely not. It's the boys week to be su-chefs and they need a harder meal." Shayla argued and Jace looked at her heartbroken which resulted in her laughing.

"She's never on our team." Moose spoke up with his lips turned upward.

And that's pretty much was how dinner went. Everyone began laughing and bickering with each other as we always do.

After everyone finished eating the guys helped cleaned up and then left for the night. Us girls are currently sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Are you okay Kali?" Shayla asked genuinely.

I attempt to smile "yeah."

After a few seconds pass by I respond again.

"No." I then say in finality.

Jaz looks at me worriedly.

"If I'm being honest with myself." I say in thought.

"I think I'm starting to develop feelings for him." I confess.

They look at each other as if speaking telepathically.

"Just say it." I say to them with a defeated chuckle.

Jaz sighs "you should just tell him." She encourages.

"I'm scared." I say.

Just the thought of possibly confessing to him has my heart beating rapidly.

Shayla blurts "I'm just going to say it. I think he likes you."

I whipped my head to her with my eyebrows creased "and what makes you say that."

"Girl the way he treats you and cares for you is enough explanation within itself." She confirms.

I shake my head in denial "he's like that with everyone. He's always a gentleman and caring. That's just his personality."

Jaz grabs my hand "that may be true but I think it extends deeper for you." She says matter of factly.

I sigh. "I don't want to go tomorrow."

If just hearing that he was going with someone else hurt. I know seeing it would be ten times worse.

"I don't think I can see him there with someone else." I say softly.

"I understand." Jaz says softly. "Whatever you decide."

I nod my head in response.

They both lean there heads on mine. "Want to watch some rom com's." Shayla whispers gently.

They always know how to cheer me up.

"Please." I say with a soft smile.

Shayla flicks through the remote settling on a movie called "choose love".

And for the rest of the night we ate popcorn and watched Rom com movies. We eventually all fell asleep on the couch due to our laziness of not wanting to walk to our beds.

I think I pretty much lucked out when it came to my friend group.

From this moment I knew my girls will always be there. And this friend would extend beyond our college years.

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