Chapter 12 - Revelation

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"Happy Birthday, Claire!!"

My aunt, Holly was standing near my bed with a bucket in her hand which was now empty. And that explained everything.

"I will kill you."

I jumped out of my bed and ran towards my aunt but she escaped and gushed out of my room. I chased after her - down the stairs and in the living room where mom and Jake were sitting watching our little game.

"Your mum is an old bird. But I'm not." She ran behind the couch.

"Nor am I." I stated.

"Happy Birthday Claire." mom and Jake said in unison.

"Oh yes, 'Happy'." I joked.

My aunt stood near the armrest and giggled when I jumped up to her and caught her in my arms. I hugged her tightly.

"I let the small girl win."

"I missed you." I confessed.

My aunt was just few years younger than my mom but she was a kid at heart. She lightens up the whole environment. She's easy and fun unlike my mom. I remember I once wished that she was my mom.

"I missed you too, sweetie. By why didn't you came to meet me now that you're in Havendell." I released her and sat on the couch.

"I don't have a car."

"Oh no." my aunt sat beside me and turned towards my mom "You have to get her one before her senior year starts. Ron told-"

"Yes, we'll do that." my mom interrupted, "The breakfast is getting cold."

I wanted to ask what did Ron- my dad told them. They were hiding something from me. My mom totally snapped my aunt and changed the topic.

But I was my birthday. I turned 17. According to the beliefs of old Havendell people, I'm an adult now. I was not a kid anymore. In fact I grew mature after my parent's divorce and my breakup. I guess, maturity and age has no concern, as quoted.

"I need to dry myself first!" I said with a fake sad look on my face.

I was dripping with water and I made the couch wet too. I went upstairs, took a bath, wore my ripped jeans shorts and a pale yellow sleeveless top and went downstairs for breakfast.

My aunt asked me all about my junior year. She asked about Mark, my ex. She asked me about my accident. I thought to tell her the truth but i wanted to tell mom first. We chatted for hours. I was feeling good to have some normal conversations with humans. Yet, I was trying to tell mom. I just couldn't get the courage.

"Mom, I don't want to live here anymore." I declared.

My mom looked surprised. Even I was surprised by my sudden wave of courage. Please stay with me till the end of the conversation, courage.

"What do you mean you don't want to live here anymore?"

It means -I don't want to live her anymore! Moms sometimes.

"Mom, there is something wrong in the house. It just doesn't feel-"

"Claire, are you crazy?" Jake interrupted "Or is this some of your plan to go back to Rivera?"

"Jake - please try to unde-"

"Understand what, Claire?" Jake was angry. JAKE was angry and he was showing it.

"Jake-" mom tried to stop him.

"No mom. I'm tired." Jake stood up and paced around with his hands in his hairs. "You've suffered a lot mom. I'm not going to tolerate any more of her dramas. I'm done."

I just sat there staring at Jake. Tear dropping from my eyes. I was just waiting for this weird nightmare to end. Everything that was happening in my life was wrong, totally wrong. It just seemed so unrealistic.

"You should have told her the truth." my aunt who was silently watching the argument now spoke. "You should have let her choose with whom she wanted to live."

I was completely blank.

"She would have chose dad." Jake spoke to my aunt "And that's why we just HID the truth."

"What truth?" I asked between my sobs.

"Claire -" my aunt tried to explain me.

"Dad didn't cheated mom, he never did." Jake told me.

I was dazed. I was not sure of what I heard. Jake and Mom told me that dad cheated on someone and he didn't wanted his family anymore.

"Their marriage was over a long before that, honey." my aunt explained.

"He is a drunk bas****. He's immature and irresponsible." I've never seen Jake with such a fury in his temperament.

"He wanted to live with you kids." my aunt continued "He asked for you, Claire."

Does this mean, all these times I was crying over and over and over again for nothing?

"We just told him you don't want to live with him."

"Without even asking me?" I was now really determined to get it all out "And not to forget the whole 'he cheated on mom and he doesn't want us anymore' story. This was all made up?"

Were they planning to hide this thing from me for forever?. The last time I met dad, he didn't tell me anything. There is more than they're telling.

"Yes. We did that for your own good." mom now spoke up.

"Who are you all to decide it for me? Huh!"

"Your mom. And you took the decision yourself."

"Because I was led towards it through a planned story!" I said with rage. "You guys just won. You should write a fiction, really!"

"Claire-" my aunt spoke but it was too late.

"I don't want to live with you guys." I was now sobbing hard. "I. Am. Going. Back. To. Rivera! Period."

I stomped out of the living room. I didn't know where to go, what to do. I rushed out of the house and went down to lake. I thumped myself on the warm soil and cried.

I cried till everything was out of me. How could they do this to me? They made up a story so they could keep me with them? I didn't believed this. How cruel of them! I was wandering along in life with them from one year thinking how useless, dumb man, my dad was! I was hating all the wonderful memories with my dad which haunted my mind and scared me. I hate them.

I decided to call dad when I get back to house. But I didn't wanted to go back there, not now. They would try and come up with a different fake story to convince me.

I cried more and let every thought get out of my system. I cried till I was numb so that I couldn't think of anything.

I heard some footsteps behind me. I was sure it was no one from my family. They're not that type to come after me and check out if I'm okay after a life changing revelation.

"Someone's looking for a fun evening here." I heard my neighbor.

'Oh god, not him, now, please!!'I stood up and turned around.

He was standing a few feet away from me. His hands were in the khaki shorts he wore. His muscles were clearly visible through his tight white V-neck top. His messy brown hairs were getting even messier due to strong wind. His eyes, and his eyes were just looking at me trying to figure me out.

"The water looks so cool." he said.

I wiped my tears and nodded. I knew he'll find a way to make fun of my situation. He'll make a sneer comment although I somehow doubted this after our conversation when he practically kidnapped me.

He smirked while his eyes dazzled with evil idea. Oh no. He strolled towards me.

"No, No! Look, I don't know-"

He pushed me into the water before I could tell him that I don't know how to swim!!


Claire Hunter (Lucy Hale) in media!

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