Chapter 30 - Dementor

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I sighed and looked back at the house. The dark emptiness of the house reflected how much pain it had seen. It looked barren and sad. How can it look sad?

"I think you should go. Get some rest." he said opening the door.

"But what next? We wait till that demon destroys our life?" Just then Will's words replayed in my mind. 'I am not a threat to him.' he had informed me earlier. Why should he care?

"Sorry, you don't have to worry about me. I'll find some way." I ignored his eyes. "I.. See you around." Opening the door, I looked at him one more time. His jaw was clenched, fingers clutched the door handle tightly. He was furious. It frightened me. Did I say something wrong?

"Wow! Seriously?" he said in a sassy tone. "Why do you think I would've run across the state in the middle of the night if I don't care about you?"

His rude tone surprised me. He was angry.

"I like you, Claire. A lot. I don't understand why but I love to argue with you, chat about life on the lake, your bold attitude. I love that don't care what others think about you. I love how brave you are. And I'm trying to help you. Heck, I'm trying to help myself. I can't see you in pain. I can't lose one more person. Lost many already. And all you give me is 'see you around'? Impressive. What else, huh?"

His words hit me, soothing and hurting in the same time. He slithered out of his seat and slammed the door. I rushed out of my door and called him out.

"I.. I didn't mean that. I'm--" he stopped, keeping his back to me.

"Don't tell your family I came to pick you up. I'm hella tired of this shit."

He turned towards me, his red eyes looking at me with disgust, "See ya around." he did a dramatic salute with his two fingers and walked towards his house.

And I stood there. Alone. Confused.

He turned towards the backyard instead, down the lake. I stared at him hoping he'd return and explain what was all that about. But he didn't. So, I went to my car, grabbed my handbag and went inside my house. I rang the bell as I didn't had the key.

"Claire?" Jake asked opening the door, not believing I was standing in front of him. His face was highly contoured, his cheekbones poked out and made him look thinner. Dark pools under his eyes looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. That's when it hit me. He hadn't contoured, of course but he got thinner and weaker.

He plastered his genuine smile across his face and hugged me. Tightly. I let out a huge sigh finding Jake happy to see me.

"You okay?" I asked when he backed. He nodded. He wasn't.

"You?" I shook my head. "No." And I cried again.

Flood of tears rolled from my eyes. I was crying for what happened with Mark, with Dad and with Will. I was crying for what was going to happen, for what had happened. I was done already. Although the tiny guy with horns sitting on my shoulder laughed it was just the beginning.

Jake guided me into the living room. My heart raced as I enter my nightmare. The feeling of suffocation and weight dropped on me. Tear ran down Jake's cheeks. He was shaking his legs when we sat on the couch. He always does when he is nervous.

"Claire, I am so sorry. I was not thinking straight. I'm.. I have to tell you something."

I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. He laughed. Belly Laugh. I creased my brows together, confused.

"You should totally check out the new season of Pretty Little Liars."

"Pretty Little Liars?" He hates that show. What happened to him? His eyes are filled with tears but he's laughing. Does he has multiple personality problems or did he got a girlfriend? Heck, he is my brother and I don't know about him. Why was he reacting that way?

"Yes." he wiped his happy tears. "Get fresh. I'll prepare you something to eat."

This is weird. He never jokes like this, you know changing the subject to lighten the mood. That was my job.

I frowned and stomp back to my bedroom. As soon as I saw my bed, I plopped on it and got under covers. It was around 7 in morning but I was hella tired of this shit. Will's image flash in my mind. He likes me, like likes me. And he wants to help me. He went on like fictional boyfriends I crush upon. But it scared me. All of these. Now, I totally get Ron Weasley when he met the dementor in the train. "This all seems weird like I'll never be cheerful again."

Later mom poked in my room and woke me. "Claire, you ok?" I rubbed my sore eyes and sat up, giving room to let her sit.

"What happened? Why are you back? I mean, of course you can come back. In fact, I'm happy that you came back. But... Why didn't you informed anyone? I see you didn't even brought any luggage."

I laughed in my mind. I left so much luggage here so I had to come back. Out loud I said, "Just forget everything. I can't explain but I.. missed you." That wasn't a lie. But I miss dad. I don't know if he's okay. I have to call him.

"Does your dad know you ran away with his car?"

"No. But he'll.. he'll understand. I'll call him."

Mom sighed and put a hand on my shoulder, "I'm worried about you, honey. I know it's all hard for you and I overreacted but.. I'm just.. Forgive me?"

We both cry together, both for different reasons. "Of course."

"I should get going.. I guess." she smiled. I thanked heaven because she didn't try to dig deep. I hadn't made any legit excuses yet.

She stood up patting my cheeks and walked when I called out, "Mom?"

"Yes?" she turned around, wiping a tear.

"What happened to Aunt Rebecca?" OK, I know she's depressed and I should not dig things which hurt her but my curiosity has no bounds.

"Oh, you know about her?" I nodded. "She was killed here, in Havendell. In this house."

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