Chapter 35 - The Curse

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Will's great grandmother had warned me earlier even without knowing me or where I lived. She was the person I wanted to meet.

She motioned me to join the chair opposite her. I frowned and walked towards it. As I took the seat, Theodora nodded once at her caretaker- I assumed. The caretaker smiled and shut the door after she went outside.

"What brings you here?" Theodora asked looking straight into my eyes. "I see, the harm is done, after all."

"I.." I hate Will. Why did he sent me here alone? I don't know what to say. Where to begin? "I want to know about the house."

"I think you already know, my dear." She leaned back to rest her back and placed her arms on the armrest. "Ander Booth wants to kill you. And he will. Unless he is stopped. And you can only stop him if his soul is exorcised."

"But why does he wants to kill me? And why hasn't he already?"

"He is cursed."

"I know that but what happened before. Who cursed him? And why?"

"Does it matter?"

"I.." I didn't know. Theodora was right. Why does it matter what happened to him? He is a demon and he should be stopped before he harms me or anybody. I know, exorcism is the only way. Yet I don't know why I want to know about him. I don't know why I care.

"I want to know." I shrugged.

"Well, as far as I know, Ander was a very kind person. I would hardly see him sulking in the corner about something. He was, what you call.. 'happy-go-lucky' type of person. Never answered rudely. Such a gentleman."

What? "You knew him?"

"Of course, I did. I.." She stopped and thought before speaking, "He was a man with big dreams and a desire to help people. Ah, everyone adored him. And then, he fell in love. With a wrong lady, I might add."

She stared outside the window with pain glistening in her eyes. How does she know him?

"And then?"

"Ander worshipped her. She was his world. But she was with him only because of his money. He was a successful person at a very young age. Ander wanted to marry her. And she loved someone else."

"Did they get married?"

"No. On the day before their wedding, Ander saw her with a man. And Ander, being the innocent person he was, thought that the man is trying to harass her or assault her. He rushed to the man and fought. When Ander thought he was losing, he took out his gun and shot the man in his head. He regretted the moment he did that, but he was happy that her fiance, Gabriela was safe."

Theodora paused to take a deep breath. She sighed and continued, "Gabriela raged with anger. She admitted that she was going to runaway with her lover. She was in pain. George was her true love. She grabbed the gun out of Ander's hand and put it near her head.

'I curse you, Ander Booth that you will die when you experience the pain I'm going through. You will die when you kill the love of your life with your own hands. You will die out of pain. You will die out of love.'

"And then she pulled the trigger and killed herself." Theodora was shaking when she finished. Tears rolled down her red wrinkled cheeks.

My heavy heart pounded to see her breaking down. Ander's story was equally depressing. He saw his fiance killing herself. And her last words were full of anger and misery.

"The moment Grabiela's spirit left her abode, Ander disappeared. Just like that. No one ever saw him afterwards." she sniffed.

"What? What happened to him?"

"We called the priest. Gabriela's curse was real, indeed. She performed dark magic and could spell curses. It killed Ander Booth. But not completely. His spirit is trapped in the house to suffer. It turned him into a demonic spirit. A spirit who latches its soul with young women and kills them afterwards. As the curse said, he will die in pain, in love. And that's impossible. Gabriela knew that too. She didn't want him to fall for some other girl."

"That's so cruel." I interrupted her, "All Ander did was love her. He's suffering for more than seventy years."

"It's crazy what love can do." she let out a sad moan. "Ander is trapped in that house in search of very young soul that resides in that house. He's trapped forever unless the curse is broken- which is a fantasy, or until he is forcefully exorcised."

"But his grave is in our backyard. Also Ander Booth can't be exorcised until he gets attached to someone. That's what Will said-"

"The grave is empty- wait. Will, who? My great grandson?" Oh oh!

I nodded with embarrassment. "Actually, he brought me here."

"He's here?" Her face lit up for the first time and she gave a genuine smile.

I pursed my lips and nodded. "He's outside. He didn't wanted to come due to the problems between you and his family." I thought I was messing up so I added, "I don't know really. He just told me not to tell you.. that I know him."

"Ah, I see. We've not been on talking terms since years." she waved her arm and laughed. "He must have grown into a man now, I guess."

I felt like she was avoiding to give more information about Ander Booth. I wanted to know how did she knew him. How did 'Sands & Witches' became Monroe's business?

"Yep. Tall and handsome!" my cheeks flushed as I admitted that.

"So, tell me how he looks now? He was such a cute baby when I last saw him. Glasses and goofy teeth." the conversation was on a complete odd track. But, I imagined little Will with glasses and goofy teeth and he still looked hot.

"We're just.. friends. I never saw him wearing glasses though. He looks like those model with abs and muscles." I'd never say this in front of him. "He's a good guy, I guess." And arrogant, prideful, heart swooning.

"Ah, I see." She glanced towards the window again, pondering over something. "You like him."

I stared her wrinkled face. She reminded me of my grandmother. Kind and smart. "I do."

"I think you've got all the answers you wanted." No. Of course not.


"Grace!" she called out her caretaker, who I assume was standing on the other side of the door the whole time. Grace entered and asked what she wanted.

"Is my bath ready?" Grace nodded yes.

Theodora stood up with timid motion making me realise how old she was. Her weak arms and legs barely made any movements. I stood up with her trying to ask but she said,

"Will might really love you to bring you here and help you, despite of knowing that he might be in danger." Didn't I know that? Love- that was a fancy word. But there must be a strong reason he'd take such a risk.

"I -" I began but she interrupted.

"And yes. Ander Booth is already attached to someone. Look at your shadow."

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