51. The Anchor

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Before dozing off, Ander made a decision to tell Claire everything he knew.

He was bound to lie to Claire and lure her into his net but that was before the curse broke. Now, he was free. And Claire deserved to know what was happening to her. She should be aware of the dangers that still haunted her.

Dora's premonition, Gabriela possibly returning to swap places (and life ultimately) with her, and Rick's involvement in all this. The amulet too- the very thing that saved her life didn't help Claire the previous night when Gabriela was getting all cosy in her body.

But how can he tell her all that?

How will Ander explain things he himself doesn't understand! Claire thought everything was fine; her life was taking a good turn. But she was wrong. And Ander didn't want to break that to her just yet.

He tightened his fists and stood straight, his legs dragging him out of Kasie's room. Glancing back at Claire's now dark room, he just wished she was okay. Instead of walking towards his room, he went out of the house towards the shore.

He stood on the shore, his hands in his pajama pockets. Sun was peeking out from the rows of houses lined up behind him. It was deserted and cool; freezing, actually.

He has to get back to work in few hours. Vincent had asked if he'd like to spend some time at the restaurant. Ander was more than happy. Sands & Witches was his life back when he was alive. He'd created it with so much love and hardwork and now seeing it standing tall and huge a century later just made him happy.

Working there was something Ander woke up for. He looked forward to go there again. It was something that really made him feel alive. But just pressing the subject that he has a whole life in front of him, he has to live, make a living- all that was hard to digest.

And Dora, she was getting old. As hard it was for Ander to admit, she won't be around for too long. She isn't a witch by blood. She learned witchcraft. Which meant she had a normal life expectancy compared to the real witches who lived for at least two centuries.

He kept trudging along the shore, deep in thoughts as the sun rose to sky, when his bare foot stepped on something. It was cold and glassy. He bent down to pick it up. It was a bottle. A very tiny one but vaguely familiar.

The round pink cap of it made it look like an ancient perfume. He twisted the bottle in his hand and found a label on it. It had a company's logo on it along with code number: 767.

Ander's eyes sparkled with realization when he remembered where he saw the logo - no, it was an ancient symbol. The same symbol that was on Clair's amulet.

But what was this weird shaped bottle with a symbol similar to Claire's amulet doing here? Ander was reading too much into it. It could purely be a coincidence, he knew that. But what if it wasn't?

Shoving the bottle in his pyjama pocket, he ran up to his house, ready for what the day had to offer.

When he returned home that evening, he gazed at Claire's house, deciding whether to meet her or not. In the end, he chose he'd rather not. He had matters to discuss with Dora.

Vincent being out of town, Ander took dinner with Rachel and Kasie. While Rachel kept asking random questions, Ander and Kasie answered awkwardly. Just like everyday.

The first thing Ander did after the dinner was calling Dora. Slamming the door shut, he changed into his pajamas and dialed her number.

"I've some important news." Both said simultaneously.

"I found some information about Gabriela." Dora continued.

But Ander interrupted, "I think our souls are still connected."

"What?" She asked, "Yours and Claire's? Are you serious?"

Ander then explained her everything that happened after he ended the call previous night. He told about Claire's passing out, Rick and his drink, and the dream. Every single detail. He even told about the amulet.

"Andy, I'm sure that my amulet is very strong. It would definitely work against an evil spirit and it would never allow something as harmful as your bitchy ex-fiancee go near Claire."

Ander let out a sad chuckle, "But I saw it. In her neck. When she was possessed!"

"Then, it might be another one. Some amulet that would allow Gabriela to be in Claire's body." She argued.

"Is it even possible?" Ander asked sitting on his bed, massaging his neck. He was deprived of sleep and it was taking a toll on him.

"Witchcraft can be used either way. You forgot?"

"Right. How can I forget that? But why would Claire wear that?"

Dora didn't answer at first. "Maybe.. maybe Claire doesn't know it's a different one."

"You mean someone replaced it? Like, Gabriela went to a witchcraft store, purchased a new amulet, did some witchcrafty thing on it and replaced it? Nah, I'm sure Gabriela would not go through that much trouble. I.. I know her."

Dora laughed at the other end, "Oh no, you don't. However, I agree with you there. What if someone.. OH YES!" She said loudly. "YES! It's starting to make sense."

"What is?" Ander was confused.

"That's what I wanted to tell you earlier. Now, listen to this very carefully, brother of mine." Ander sat straight when Dora used her 'important stuff discussion' voice. "This may come off as a very absurd thing to you. But it's true, okay? I've been researching here a lot."

Ander was getting impatient, "Alright! Get to the point."

"For a witch spirit who is in her right senses, it is extremely easy to kill a soul and overtake their body. However, they can do it only once. But, that's not the point." Ander's heart raced rapidly. Is was extremely easy to kill Claire?

"I rushed here to Old Haven because I thought Claire didn't have much time. When you told me last night that Gabriela possessed her, I thought Claire would soon... But now you're saying that your souls are connected, right?"


"That's the reason! And I think Gabriela knows that too."

Ander had no idea what Dora was telling, "Knows what?"

"You are Claire's anchor, Andy. You, having a connection with Claire is what's saving her! Gabriela could rip Claire's soul any minute now, if she wants. But Claire's soul couldn't die because it's connected to something. Something that's living."

"Is it possible? Then Claire is.. She's safe?" Ander's smile widened. Just few hours ago he was cursing himself for creating troubles in her life. Now -

"Claire's not safe, Ander. Your soul connection would prove to be a great help to her but that doesn't mean she's safe. At all. You know what happened last night. Gabriela is trying something, and she's succeeding."

Ander's smile vanished. "But she can't experiment like that, can she? No matter what, she's a ghost. She can't do that alone-"

"Exactly!" Dora interrupted, "That's the point I wanted to discuss. Someone's helping her. Remember what I saw in my premonition? She'd take someone's help."

"Oh yes. That means she's trying to break our.. connection with someone's help and then swap souls?"

"Uh-huh. And I kinda have an idea who that person might be."

"What? Do you? Why didn't you tell earlier?" He got up from his bed.

"I was trying to-"

"Okay, sorry. Who's helping her?"

"Alright, here comes the absurd part." Dora explained slowly. "Did you had any children with Gabriela?"

"What nonsense, Dora! You'd know if we had kids!" Ander scowled.

"I know. Just checking. But, Gabriela surely did. She had a child, Andy. I mean. Has a child. And he or she is helping her."

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