Chapter 65 : The One Year Long Term

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Draupadi frowns while sitting with Vrishaketu alone beside the forest. She needs to think clearly and her husbands being always around her, won't help at all.

Govind has told Karn that Radha isn't his mother. That has caused him great pain. Draupadi felt it. And she knows the time is coming near when Karn will learn about his birth. Sahadev is restless too.

Draupadi felt two arms warpped around her waist from behind.

"Arya Nakul," she recognizes.

Nakul was as excited as a child.

"Panchali, look how beautiful they are! I will decorate you myself today," Nakul shows her the flower ornaments that he has sped all day making.

Despite Draupadi's protest, Nakul began to put them on her. A beautiful hair band, bangles, rings, nose pin, necklace and a waist band.

Draupadi sat there obediently while he put them on her. After he was done, Nakul couldn't look away from her at all. Why she looks more beautiful than ever today?

"Arya," Draupadi blushes under his besotted gaze.

"You...look ravishing..." Nakul compliments.

His palm cupped her cheeks as Draupadi places a kiss on his palm.

Tonight, Nakul after so much persuasion, could let Arjun let go of Draupadi. He wanted to spend time with her alone badly. All of his brothers in a way or another manages to have it. And he couldn't.

"Panchali," Nakul sits pulling her on his lap.


"Panchali, you know the only woman I love more than you is Suthanu. She is such a sweetheart. While in Devapath, she was our only solace. She took care of us the way you do," Nakul says.

Draupadi smiles.

"I was so jealous of Jyest for the first time in my life, Priye. For having a daughter. The feelings of having a daughter is so beautiful," Nakul confesses.

"Suthanu didn't have a father in her life. She was raised in Panchal," Draupadi says.

"I know. If we weren't so foolish, then Printha and her other sisters would he here as well," Nakul says.

Draupadi immediately become stiff. Her mouth fall open as her heart beat anxiously. Warrior clans are extremely protective of their bloodline. Even adharmi like Duryodhana and Dussasan would protect her sons with their life only because they are the same blood.

She is Yagnaseni. When she wanted to conceive a child was always up to her. Because of that she could consummate her marriage with each one of them at their wedding night and didn't get pregnant. She wanted the one year long term because that time she wasn't mentally prepared for her marriage with five men. And she wanted time. On her request, her sakha announced that law.

A father is the hero of his daughter's life. Daughters generally are more attached to their fathers than their mothers. Suthanu was also like that. Draupadi didn't want to break Suthanu's heart because of her father, so she send her to Panchal. Wrote letters to her in Yudhisthir's name. So also didn't gave birth to anymore children. She refused that because she didn't want them to go through that heartbreak.

"" Draupadi stuttered.

"We do. Vasudev told us," Nakul says.

Draupadi looks down nervously. What is he going to do to do? Will he curse her? She definitely took their children's life decision by herself and never informed them. Yes, it's a terrible crime.

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