11. Healing

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After spending the day outside continuing the flying lessons for my son, we found ourselves resting on the bed. 

I didn't find myself resting like this very often, always busy with something, keeping my schedule occupied. I didn't like the feeling of having free time, which often happens when I finish days of work in just a single day in an attempt to avoid the feeling of not doing something.

Now that I have a son, I don't think I'll have to struggle anymore.

I felt my mind dozing off when Brax jumped out of the bed whining and growling.

I groan, too comfortable to move. I pat my chest calling Brax back to me. "Brax, come on. Everything is okay" I say, my eyes still closed.

He screeches and then I heard a blast. I jumped out of bed and my eyes landed everywhere seeking for Brax and it surprised me to see a burning hole on the door.

"What the f..? BRAX!"

I quickly put my pants on and ran after Brax. I don't see him in the hallway, doing a quick run to his goal. I followed his scent, knowing exactly where he was heading.

"Brax!" I call out rounding the final corner that leads to the wing where I put the human. The guard outside looked at me perplexed. I open the door to her room which already has a burning hole.

Something must be wrong if my son was so desperate to reach her.

"Brax?" I mutter when I see him tiptoeing around the human, whining and crying, nudging her with his muzzle trying to get a reaction.

Brax raises his head when he senses me and whines at me. I grit my teeth, hating seeing the look of fear and worry on my son.

I stepped closer, noticing the rapid breathing of the human, her skin was flushed, sweat shining on her skin. I frown, not understanding her state.

"Guard!" I call and the guard I put outside her wing comes running inside the room. "Get a healer, now!" He scurries away in a hurry, scared to be the target of my fury.

I didn't understand humans, only knew they were weak and vulnerable, able to break in half without breaking a sweat. She might be dying, and if I'm being completely honest, I didn't care what happened to her, but I knew if she was, indeed, dying, my son would be the one in pain, and I wasn't about to let that happen.

I watch Brax interacting with the sick human. He sniffs her as if trying to find what's wrong with her, where she is hurting. He reaches her head and starts licking her forehead covered in sweat. The human sighed and leaned her head closer to Brax, to his touch.

I look away, grinding my teeth together, trying to stop my need to take Brax away from her.

The truth was, I was jealous. I knew Brax loved us both, but our bonds were different. Even though I knew the human wasn't the one who kidnapped Brax's egg, in my mind I couldn't help but think that she stole the birth of my son from me. She stole his first experiences, his first thoughts, his first mistakes.

What was he like when he first hatched? What was the first thing he did? Was he clumsy? Was he scared? Did he burn something? What was the first thing he ate? Did he like it?

I hated that I was robbed of those experiences and that instead, a stranger, a punny human got to experience all that. How dared she? With what right? But I knew my anger was misplaced.

The "what ifs" were meaningless. There's nothing I could do about the past but enjoy the present. I will enjoy my son and have new experiences. I will always try to be the best version of myself with him, for him. Brax is my son and I want to give him the life he deserves. I refuse to be like my father.

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