61. Homesick

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In the last two weeks, everything has been happening.  

We continued meeting with my brothers-in-law and their mates, and it's been going so well that we finally decided to introduce the kids to each other. We still need to put a date to it.

Brax started what would be kindergarten in the human realm. At first, Brax didn't want to go, throwing tantrums uncharacteristic from him. But he soon realized how fun playing with other kids his age is. Now every time I go to prepare him to go, he is already with his little bag on his back... still in his pajamas...

A for effort

Phoenix and I have also been preparing our mating ceremony, and after that, my coronation will come in front of the kingdom. Every time I think about it my stomach twists in knots, making me feel sick.

Oh, I also found out I have horrible morning sickness, and also found out that being sick while flying in dragon form wasn't pleasant at all. Imagine a puddle of puke but twenty times bigger.

Yeah, not pretty.

We also realized that shifting after being sick, made me feel famish. When it first happened, I almost bit into Phoenix's arm because of how hungry I was. Now Phoenix makes sure to hunt me something small when that happens.

He's been helping me rebuild my connection and trust with my beast. At first, I was feeling a bit scared that the same thing might happen again as it did on that night, but meditating helped me connect with my beast, and we opened our feelings to each other.

She realized she fucked up when Brax showed her how scared and angry he was, and promised she would never do anything to hurt me or my family ever again.

Two weeks later we are in a better place, and now I am no longer so scared of shifting. After all, we are one.

Brax trusted me with his life, and when he noticed the progress I made with my beast, he allowed my beast to show herself to him, and it warmed my heart when they finally met. My beast turned up to be like a puppy around Brax, eager to please him and love him. Seeing her interact with our son made me feel safer with her.

Everything was falling into place, life was good. I was grateful for being alive, and that hadn't happened before.

The only thing that made me sad, was thinking about my parents and siblings. We might not be incredibly close, but they were still family, and I wanted to show them my life. I wanted them to meet Phoenix and Brax, and I wanted them to be there for my wedding, but, how would that be possible?

I don't know when I started to feel this way, or where these thoughts came from, but I wanted to have at my wedding day a part of me, something that belonged to me; a part of my life back in the human realm, and when I thought about being away from my family and not having them on the most important day of my life, made me feel so alone...

The little friends I have are thanks to Phoenix. Everyone and everything started being Phoenix's, and I just wanted something to be mine.

Was that so unreasonable?

I have decided to go dress shopping in the human realm, and I always thought I would do so with my mother and my sisters, but then, what would I tell them?

"Hey, I'm getting married, but you can't come because is in another realm... Where Dragons exist... Yeah, and I'm their Queen. Surprise!"

Then the experiences would be ruined.

Of course, Carmen, Serena, and Eloise would be coming, but that won't be the same. They are technically my family, but they are not my roots.

I wanted to come to my mom and share with her how excited I was of having yet another baby, to present her to Brax, that she is going to be a grandmother again, thanks to me, the daughter that had never brought a guy to the house or that barely went out due to the lack of friends.

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