60. My Gold

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A/N: *Okay, before you start judging Lilly (lol) is a bit of a parody, alright? Lilly is being dramatic on purpose*

On our way home, we were surprised to smell food being cooked in the air as we neared the cabin, and we entered, we had to stop and process what we were witnessing. 

"Are you guys...?" started Eloise.

"Cooking?" I finished, watching Tarek pass the wine to Phoenix who poured it into the casserole where the meat was being cooked. 

"Damn," Serena gasped. "Who knew men in the kitchen was something I could consider hot?"

Leif lifted his head at that and smirked.

"I wished I knew that sooner," he teased. Serena shook her head, a smile on her face.

"Yeah, you are right. My bad there. If you knew you would probably spend more time in the kitchen." she mocked him and I snorted.

"Damn!" I whistled enjoying the exchange between both mates.

Leif put his hand on his heart, faking hurt.

"You insult me, woman."

Serena snorted.

"Now I'm scared," said Tarek after his brother exchange, looking directly at Eloise.

"You shouldn't be if you've done nothing wrong," she replied with a sweet smile, which I didn't buy at all.

"Oh, you definitely should," I said, adding my grain to the conversation.

"I wish the kids were here," he muttered.

"Coward," Eloise whispered, rolling her eyes.

She and Serena turned to go to the living room, giggling, leaving the men to finish what they were doing.

I smiled at my mate, skipping toward him and kissing his cheek.

"Let's see how this turns out."

He frowned at me, faking indignation.

"Hey, I can hold my ground in the kitchen," he retorted, defensively.

I pat his head like a wounded animal, just to annoy him.

"Sure, bud."

I turn around to go with the girls and he takes this as a chance to spank me. HARD.

"MOTHER F...!" I turned to slap his arm but he grabbed my arm before I could, pulling me toward him and caging me in his arms.

"I love you."

He kissed my cheek and nose.

"I love you," he repeated when I didn't say it back, and kissed my head and neck. I had to bite my lip to not give in. "I LOVE YOU."

Now he started biting my neck and I screech.

"Okay! Okay! I love you! Geez" I say exasperated, but inside, I was enjoying it.

"Good. Now go and relax."

He pushed me away so I went where the girls were sitting and talking with each other. They served themselves a glass of wine and when I sat next to them Eloise passed me a glass of my non-alcoholic drink

"I could get used to this," I joked and they smiled in unison.

"I know they do their part of chores, but it's always fun to make fun of them," confessed Eloise, to which Serena giggled.

"Yeah, especially when they decide to let their frustration out in the bedroom..."

She wiggled her eyebrows and I teased them about it.

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