50. Following Her Tracks

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Since my kingdom was so big, I divided my territories into districts, giving each territory its own supervisor. Much like the alpha king and the alphas in each pack. 

There was a section in the north of the territory, Fethera. South, Elythia. West, Santra. And east, Andriantte.

Every month I would summon the representatives of each district for a meeting, where they would give me a rundown of the territories. They could request anything that they needed to better the livelihood of my people or call to my attention any problems that have arisen.

The meetings would update me on my territories and if I see it fit, I send them with some changes or upgrades.

Right now, the representative of Elythia was talking about what to do with some rebels in the territory when suddenly, I felt anger and fear tighten my chest, but was quick. It was so sudden and so fast I wondered if I even imagined it, but my beast perked up at the bond tensing and I tried to reach out to Lilly to check on her, but there was only silence.

I didn't like that one bit. My beast was already panicking.

I stood up from my seat abruptly, and my sudden movement made the room fall silent as I got the attention of my leaders.

"Wait here. I have an emergency."

I didn't have to give them a reason for my departure, but I knew it would be rude to simply walk out of the room while they were talking to me.

I walk out of the meeting room, reaching for the guard that was with Lilly.

I asked him about her and what was going on.

They went to that bakery she liked so much, and after a few seconds of silence, I felt the anxiety of the guard.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I roared through the link.

When he answered with no image of her, I called my guards to come with me to the city and meet the guard who supposedly was looking after my mate.

He couldn't find her in the shop. He tells me he was guarding the entrance so she didn't leave through there.

I don't have time for carriages, so I fly to the spot where Lilly was last seen, and my guards follow me behind.

When I shifted landing in front of Jeremiah, I wanted to punish him for losing my mate, but I knew Lilly would be upset with me if I lashed at him. Somehow she had a soft spot for the guy.

Meanwhile, I sent two guards to scout the area.

I fold my arms in front of my chest, staring at Jeremiah. I'll give it to him. He showed submission by lowering his eyes but with a firm posture. He knew he fucked up, but he also knew he was a formidable warrior and was ready to prove his honor and save his Queen."What happened," I growled out, trying really hard to reign in my beast and anger.

"I went looking for her after your request, my lord. But she was not in the shop, which confused me because I was at the front, and I would have seen her leave. But then I caught a trail of biscuit on the floor leading to the bathroom, and there, the window was badly closed, since it can only be closed from the inside." he told me and then added: "I also found the bag with the biscuits on the ground."

And we both knew that that confirmed she was taken forcefully. Lilly wouldn't just leave behind a bag filled with sweet biscuits, especially now she was pregnant.

I nod, admiring my mate for her quick and smart thinking. My fear increased, and my beast wanted to be let out and kill the bastard who dared to take her away from me. She was with child, and it terrified me what could happen to her.

"May I, my lord?" a guard standing next to me listening to everything spoke.

I nod my head, giving her a go-ahead.

"I think whoever took the Queen, might have leverage over her. Jeremiah told us the Queen left a trail, but I don't think she would have been able to do that if she was dragged out of here, besides doing that would attract attention. I think she went willingly because she didn't have much of an option."

I close my eyes, knowing that she is onto something.

"You think she was threatened to hurt the King?" another guard asked and at his words my throat went dry, perking up.

"Or the young prince..." both Jeremiah and Danna, the guard, said at the same time.

My beast roared, and my bones shook. A mix of anger and fear was taking over my body, gripping my heart in a tight hold.

"SEND GUARDS AFTER MY SON, I WANT HIM SECURED INSIDE PALACE GROUNDS! NOW!" I roared and two guards left flying to the palace at great speed.

I was split. I wanted to make sure Brax was safe, but I also needed to find my mate, who was kidnapped and in danger. I knew if Brax found out about what happened, he would be heartbroken. The guards will need to keep him locked in a room supervised so he doesn't pull another stunt like when Lilly left feverish in the middle of the night when she was about to shift.

"Have you found any clue of who might have taken her?" I asked Jeremiah, anxious.

Jeremiah's face darkened and I dreaded his next words, as if, somehow, I anticipated them.

"I asked around, and people saw the Queen with... your former lover."

At that, I let out a growl, and the citizens around scurried away into shops scared of what had triggered their King. They knew I would never hurt them (the innocent, obviously), but no one wanted a dragon shifter with their beast on the surface and mad and thirsty for blood.

There was no more danger than a dragon's beast when their mate was threatened.


My guards went inside the shop to get the scent of Karah and went after her. I lift to the sky searching on my own.

My first stop is going to be the place I saw her last with her mate. But when I arrived at the tattered home, it was clearly abandoned. They had probably moved.

Out of anger and desperation, I break everything inside. When I run out of stuff to break, I go for the walls, and I leave the home right before it collapses to the ground.

My chest was heaving fast at the adrenaline, my mind too busy with thoughts and possibilities. I stay put, thinking where else she could have gone when I get a link with one of my guards notifying me about my son's whereabouts.


My beast roared, and I could feel the fear of the guard.

"He is nowhere to be found, Your Majesty..."

My heart breaks, and I give in to the despair.


So... any thoughts you wish to share?😅

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