-°Hurtful words°-

551 15 24

Shouting voices. That's all you could hear on the alleyway on Vivid Street.


"What do you mean you wanna quit?? What about us? What about ME??"

Akito shouts, startling Toya even further than before

"This just isn't for me, Akito, I don't know what else to say to you."

"Liar! I know damn well you enjoyed singing with us!" singing with me.. "So don't you DARE say you didn't like it! Don't even hint it!!"


Each of Akitos words was laced with venom, each syllable felt like a stab directly into Toyas heart.

"Is this because of your dad?? I swear I'll punch him!"

"No, Akito. This was my choice."



"So.. that's it? You're just gonna call it quits?? Like that??"

"Yes Akito, I'm sorry.."

Toya knows his empty apology means nothing to Akito. He just desperately wished that he could take it all back. That he didn't say anything from the start and just said the truth to begin with.

"I'm sorry... is that all you can say?! After unloading the most horrendous thing I've ever heard onto me, you can only apologise?? Cut the crap Toya! You know you don't mean it!!"

Akito couldn't think straight, he didn't want to accept it.


Toyas words were cut off, by Akitos hand. His fist leaving a painful red mark on Toyas left cheek.

"Shut up, Toya. If you really meant any of what you said, you wouldn't be here right now, so just go. Get away from me!"


He knew he couldn't stay. Tears were making their way to his eyes, threatening to spill over the edge. So with a heavy heart, Toya left.

Once he was gone, Akito broke down. He didn't process what he just said to Toya. He didn't want to.

He didn't know why he said those things, he didn't mean them at all. He didn't mean to hurt Toya. His mind just acted on his own.

Akito finally left the alleyway, making his way back home. His heart was empty and his mind felt blank. He didn't know what to think.
He couldn't accept what he'd just done.

Time felt slow to Akito. The rain started pouring like crazy, but he couldn't feel any of it. Not without his Toya beside him, talking to him.

All his mind could fathom at that moment in time was what just went down in the alleyway. How did such a calm, serene night with Toya end up like this?
How could he let this happen?

Those memories kept playing on repeat in his mind. Each word he said to Toya stinging more and more, the more he heard it.

Why did he say those things?
Toya doesn't deserve that.
He knows that.

Akitos actions sunk in more as he realised something.

He didnt just lose his best friend, he lost his other half.

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