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He really didn't mean to quit?
How could I not see?
What is he playing at?
What on earth...

He did this before we first formed Vivid BAD SQUAD

So why.....

His father.
Of course it is.
I've always hated his stupid father.
He always forces Toya to do stuff he doesn't wanna do.
Stuff he resents.

He forced him into the world of classical music, a world he used to love.
A world even I used to love.
To him, though, it was something deeper.
He used to see the magic of all the notes and feel the emotions of the composer.

When he enjoyed it.
When he was 5.

But now he hates it. He can't even listen to it frequently or play any of his instruments without becoming excessively nervous or panicky.

That started when he was only 6.
Not long after his discovery of this world, let alone classical music.

Just what has he done to you, Toya?

He's failing to understand what you want, even when you've tried communicating right?

Is he doing it on purpose?
Does he not want to understand?

What good will he do if he forces you into something you don't want to do.

You can do better than this, you know.

You need to rebel again.
For your own sake.

Wait, but you rebelled before. Why can't you do it again, Toya?

Did he say something to you? Threaten you? To hurt you?

I shouldn't even be thinking about this.
Shouldn't a parents first priority be to take care of their child?
To nurture their talent?

I mean, your talent isn't exactly natural considering your father's teachings have made you an excellent pitch reader and singer.

But come on.
This is too much.

I hate his father.

Even more than I just did.
It's like the hate continues to grow and propagate into every inch of my imperfect body.

I love Toya, so so much.
I can't stand seeing him like this.

I want it to change. And the best way is to get his father away from him.

He's given Toya so much trauma and pain already. How much further is he trying to drag him?

He doesn't deserve you, Toya.

I don't deserve you.

Just what is happening anymore?
History is starting to repeat itself.


Akito silently walks away from Toyas classroom.
He needed to make his own way to his.

He was walking aimlessly, often bumping into the walls, doors or sometimes other people.
He'd just quietly say a quick 'sorry' and walk away.

That was the only thing running through his mind.

He now knew that Toyas dad interfered again.
It's not Toyas fault, he knew that.

But for some reason, he felt a burning, insurpressible rage towards Toya.
Didn't they promise to never lie to eachother again?
Why did he lie?
Could he not trust Akito?

He couldn't bear the slightest hint of Toya not trusting him.
The thought of something so vile name Akito sick to his stomach. His head was starting to ache from how much he was overthinking all of this.

He let none of it show through, though.

He continued walking, with a laconic expression on his face.
He was so lost in thought that he walked straight past his classroom.



Huh? Who the hell is screaming my name so loudly?

I see two people running towards me.

Uh oh.
It's Tsukasa. And...Kusanagi? Isn't she in Toyas class? Is something wrong with Toya?

"*Huff huff*... We finally found you! We were looking everywhere! What's wrong? Why did you suddenly run away?"
Tsukasa asked.

I don't know what to say to this guy. What does he want anyway?

"And..." Nene started "Why is Aoyagi- kun so.....sad? You two are partners right? So do you know?"

Crap. Why does she know? Can't Tsukasa keep his mouth shut?

"Be honest, Akito. You two had a fight didn't you? You never seperate from eachother so suddenly unless you fight."

He's right. Me and Toya used to be inseparable. But now all we've done is separated.

"I know I'm right Akito, so what are you gonna say about this? What do you have to tell us?"

Nene remained silent throughout the entire exchange.
She occasionally gave Akito some sympathetic yet somewhat annoyed looks for how hesitant he was.

"So??? What's it gonna be?"


".....I'll tell you all at lunch tomorrow, okay?"

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