Again the Magic

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Eventually, I find a side door and shove it open. I think it's a fire exit, and for a second, I brace myself for a shrill alarm and an embarrassing scene.

Neither happens, and I walk outside to relative quiet. The summer humidity punches me in the face, and I struggle to drag in a lungful of stale air. Gah. Until this moment, I haven't missed Boston.

I'm in an alley, surrounded by brick buildings, a wan streetlight, and one lone garbage bin. Cars honk, and police sirens wail in the distance. Taking a few steps, I stop and lean against the building. Even the brick is warm against the bare skin of my back.

Everything would be great tonight had I not seen Gabriel. I'm having a reasonably good time with Beckett. Our conversation in the car is fun, and I'm looking forward to that slice of pizza.

Now, I can't relax. Can't focus. Can't deal.

Why did Gabriel come to this, anyway? It isn't his speed or style. Normally, he doesn't socialize unless it's business-related. And when it is, it's always in swank restaurants, smoke-filled back rooms, spaces where men are the power brokers and women are in the background.

Admittedly, I hate the last part. I need to hold onto that detail, remember that, stay strong.

Gabriel must have a reason for being here. That woman, probably. I didn't get a great look at her. The only thing I noticed was that she had gorgeous legs.


Jealousy surges through me. Has he moved on that fast? Fuck him.

I blow out a breath and shut my eyes, wishing I was anywhere but here. Well, anywhere but Florida. It's even difficult to relax in my condo because I know it's his. Gabriel knows everything about my life, right down to my very movements. Even tonight, I can see the bodyguards following a respectful distance behind Beckett's car.

I didn't tell Beckett, though. Didn't want to freak out the poor guy.

Maybe I need to leave Florida entirely...apply for a job in some other city. I've been at the paper six months, so it's a bit too soon for that. Or is it? Instinctively, I count to ten, then take three deep breaths.

Seeing Gabriel in the flesh after all these weeks affects me more than I thought it would. Rationally, I know I'll run into him somewhere. My only hope is that I look hot and have a handsome date.

Both of those are realities tonight, but that doesn't ease the pain of seeing him. My heart still slams against my chest a half-hour later. I still have the deep desire to both smack him in the face and wrap my arms and legs around him like a baby monkey. Cling to him and never let go.

Pathetic, I know.

As I ponder my life's path in the alley, I hear the clang of a door opening. My eyes fly open, my brain on high alert.

It's him.


He steps out of the door, looking handsome and ominous in a charcoal suit that stretches across his broad shoulders and fits perfectly around his narrow waist.

The door slams behind him, the noise making me flinch. Why is he out here? Has he been looking for me?

Something in his intense gaze makes me think that yes, he fully intends to be here.

He's as intimidating as ever, but something in his face also makes my heart flutter—he has an expression of longing that I haven't seen in some time.

His gaze meets mine, and he walks slowly towards me without saying a word.

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