The Answer

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My breath catches as I search Gabriel's eyes. Marry him? We've barely known each other six months. My heart races with a mix of longing and uncertainty. Of fear and hesitation. Of giddiness and sheer joy.

"Gabriel..." I whisper, trailing my fingers down his stubbled cheek. His eyes are searching, looking for answers within mine.

His gaze pierces my very soul. "I know it's fast, Riley. But I don't want to waste any more moments that we could have together. This time apart has been fucking awful. Destabilizing. I need you as my partner, now and always."

My lips part to speak, but emotions clog my throat. Despite his dangerous world, I've never felt more emotionally safe as when I'm with him. And the thought of pledging myself to him, of sharing a life together? The idea fills me with nervous excitement.

"Yes," I finally murmur, tears pricking my eyes. "Yes, Gabriel, I'll marry you."

Joy lights up his beautiful, hard face. His mouth finds mine in a searing kiss, full of passion yet so much tenderness that tears are leaking from my eyes.

When we finally draw apart, breathless, he brushes his thumb over my trembling lips then swipes away the moisture on my cheeks. "I promise I'll spend every day proving myself worthy of you. Because you make me a better man. I know I need to continue improving, even move my business into a more legitimate realm. Because I know you won't love me as much if I don't at least try."

He swallows as if he has a lump in his throat, and I realize he's dangerously close to tears. I fold him in to my arms, my heart expanding almost to bursting. Unable to speak, I hold him close. He returns my embrace, warm and safe.

We stay tangled together, content just to be near each other. No need for sex or wild passion in this moment. Just the profound connection of two highly flawed people who are accepting their fate.

Twin flames who have embraced the inevitable. Against all odds.

"I love you," I whisper into his dark hair. "With everything in me."

Gabriel's lips graze my temple in the softest of kisses. "I love you too. Always."

# # #

"Did you say yes?"

It's two nights after Gabriel asked me to marry him, and I'm sitting in the bar area at a high top table in a swanky cocktail lounge downtown with Cath. Part of me wonders how she's going to take this news. She is, after all, Gabriel's oldest friend.

And someone who loves him deeply.

I haven't told anyone until now, and I can no longer hold it in. Gabriel and I discussed this, when to tell her. We both felt it would be better coming from me. Or perhaps, I'd rather gauge her reaction alone because I think it might be more genuine.

Also, I'd rather not give her the chance to make another plea for Gabriel's heart. Not because I think he'd be swayed, but because I want to spare my friend from that humiliation.

"I did. I said yes."

Cath's face expands and brightens, then she jumps from her seat, screaming. She rushes around to my side of the table and wraps me in a giant hug.

"OH MY GOD," she yells. "You are getting married!"

She gushes for a solid minute, finally apologizing to the women at the table next to us. "I'm sorry I'm being so loud, but my newest best friend is getting married to my oldest best friend and I am so freaking happy!"

I'm laughing because of her joy, and we hug some more as the women at the table — older ladies I recognize, women who don't have jobs but are deeply connected to the city's most powerful men — buy us a bottle of Cristal to celebrate.

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