Time to Grovel

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It's been years since I've felt this shaken, this unmoored this... fucked up.

I can't return to the party right now, not in this state. I'm too keyed up, too ready to punch something.

Or someone.

My anger's a hair trigger that could go off at any second and blow this entire place to bits. To save myself and everyone around me, I stalk out of the alley, out of Riley's familiar embrace, and walk around the block.

The solitude and humid night air do nothing to improve my mood. I can still smell Riley's perfume on my clothes, still feel her touch imprinted on my skin.

I crave more.

A sane man wouldn't have pursued her. At one time I was a sane man. I never allowed women to get under my skin.

But something about Riley makes me insane. The second I saw her across the crowded room in that place, I knew I'd watch her all night.

It was torture, seeing her talk to that guy. Had she felt the same when she saw me talking with Stephanie?

I hope so, but immediately feel terrible about thinking that. Playing games with women isn't my forte. This mess with Riley's gone too far. I want to apologize and explain. I need to walk myself back from the edge, but...

I can't stop thinking about her. Haven't been able to since we split. What I did that night will haunt me forever. It's the worst decision of my life, breaking up with Riley.

The fact remains that those few short minutes in her arms is the best I've felt in weeks. When we were together just now, I was prepared to beg her to take me back.

Fuck me.

Life's been terrible lately, and tonight is the cherry on top of the shit sundae. My father's been in my business ever since he was released from prison. He wants back into the family operation in the worst way and ignores me when I say he needs to lay low and fulfil his probation requirements.

A quick check of my watch shows that it's almost eight-thirty. If I'm going to stay at this party, I need to get back inside. It wasn't as though I even wanted to be here in the first place. Normally this isn't my scene. I don't need to network with a bunch of over-eager twentysomethings in their first job.

The only reason I came out tonight was because one of the organizers of this networking event invited me. He's a tech guy, smart and well-educated. I was hoping to get to know him better and possibly ask him to do some side work for my company.

I believe in seeing people out of their element before hiring them. It gives a new dimension to their personality, a peek into what I cannot discern during dry business meetings.

As far as I can tell, this guy Seth wants to use his money and connections to get laid. That's his prerogative, but I want to talk with him and get the fuck out of here. I'll go back inside, corner the guy, and have a quick conversation. As of now, I'm not impressed. With any of it.

Least of all, myself.

I yank open the door and the din of the party is like a wall of sound. Setting my jaw in a hard line, I make my way through the party, trying to find Seth. A lawyer I know tells me he's in a back room.

Poker, the judge says. "They were looking for you."

Normally I like a sharp game of poker. I'm not bad at it, and I enjoy winning. Tonight, though, all I can think about is Riley. About how I left her alone in that alley.

A stupid fucking move on my part, although I spotted my bodyguards at the entrance to the alley, watching us. She's physically safe, I know that much.

Emotionally? I suspect she's just as destroyed as I am. The way she trembled in my arms nearly shattered my heart.

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