The Girl Who Makes Him Beg

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She said yes.

After my day of cooking, after paying extra for the flowers scattered around this place (that are triggering my allergies something fierce), after the rush job on the two-carat diamond ring, she said yes.

Riley is going to be my wife. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't filled with feelings right now. I'm also filled with something else.

Discomfort. Physical discomfort. Every cell in my body is screaming for me to get out of here...

We're now standing next to the table, kissing. She's running her hands down my chest and my dick's starting to get hard but the flowers... Jesus. I think it's the jasmine. My nose started to itch while we were eating pasta, and then during the tiramisu my left nostril became almost blocked. It's annoying, because I wanted this night to be perfect.

It is, except for my allergies.

"The ring is gorgeous," she purrs as she slides her hands under my T-shirt. "You did such a good job in picking it out. But you didn't have to get one so big. I mean, I adore it and I'll be so proud to wear it. But you must've spent a fortune."

She laughs and pulls out her hand, admiring the bling.

I sneeze. "Um. Babe?"

"Yeah? Are you okay?"

"Well, I haven't wanted to say anything, but I think the flowers are getting to me."

She glances at the jasmine on the table then strokes my face. "Your eyes do look a little red. Your poor thing. You've been hiding this throughout dinner?"

"I've been a little preoccupied." I smile. "A few other things took precedence."

"Sweetie!" Her face turns stern. "Let's get you out of this room."

She grabs my hand and pulls me out of the conservatory, leading me upstairs to the bedroom.

"Sit," she commands, pointing to the bed.

"Yes, ma'am," I murmur.

I watch her beautiful ass while she walks into the bathroom. She's wearing those sexy jeans that I adore. A few moments later, she comes out, holding a damp washcloth, a glass of water, and a pack of allergy pills.

"Okay, first..." she sets the glass and the medicine down on a nearby table. "This."

She carefully and lovingly washes my eyes with a cloth – it's cool and calming – then dries my face with a towel.

"Better?" she asks.

I nod and she kisses my forehead.

"So, were your eyes tearing up downstairs because of the proposal, or because of allergies?" She tips my face to look up at her.

I sniffle and smile. "Both."

She runs her hands through my hair. "You're so handsome. I'm not sure I could love you any more. I'm also not sure I believe you on this, but you're suffering, so..."

"I can't get anything past you." I swat her ass as she walks off.

She grabs the box of allergy medication, pops one out of the blister pack, and hands it to me. "Here you go. Take this, and I promise you'll feel better in no time."

I take the tablet from her hand, surprised at how gentle she's being. She looks into my eyes with so much love that it makes me weak in the knees.

"Now, you have to relax."

She plumps up the pillows against the headboard. I recline as she slips off my shoes.

"How does that feel?"

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