♕ Ride to school ♕

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God my head is pounding

That party really fucked me up last night. I groan rolling out of bed. I check the time and of course I'm late as normal, I don't really care though the school won't do shit.

I go into my bathroom take a piss, brush my teeth and shave off the stubble on my face.

I decide to ware what I ware most days a black gym shirt and some grey joggers along with my jumper that has my football number 18 sewn into it and some air Jordan's.

I go down stairs and grab a breakfast bar out of the cupboard. I take a bite of it as I open the front door closing it behind me not bothering to lock it.

I walk to my black jeep and slump my bag Into the passenger seat. I turned on the car engine reversing out my drive way I start the drive to hell.


Nodding my head and tapping the steering wheel to the beat of Eminem lost in my own world. Someone ran out in front of my car not bothering to look both ways. My tyres screech I pull the handbrake up as fast as I can. The person drops to the floor a rush out my car to go help them.

"Are you okay" I tell running round my car. I look down at them as soon as there eyes meet mine I recognise them.

"Lilah? What the hell were you thinking I could of ran you over" I yell in anger and curiosity.


Of course it had to be him,
God what have I done to deserve this,
First that dream...no nightmare,
And now this,

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry it's just..I..we are late I don't want to get a detention" i ramble.

He stares at me before grabbing my hand yanking me up off the floor.

"Watch where you're going next time or next time I won't stop" he sneers

"Sorry" I mumble quietly

He sighs before speaking again "get in the car"

"W-what?" I question

"Get in the car we. are both going to the same place so get in the car, and don't make me regret asking more than I already do"

Without a sound I walk to the passenger seat and open the car door just as I do I see him grabbing his bag before chucking it in the back of the car.

I not so gracefully climb my way into the passenger seat of the car.

What it's not my fault I'm short blame my mum

"Sooo how come your late" I ask

"God. remind me why I done this again" he mutters more to himself then me

"I didn't ask you to" i spoke up

"I didn't want to hear you bitching about it later"

"I don't talk to you" but he's right I would bleep about it but not to him to my self.

"Whatever. I'm not stopping you if u want to get out and walk" he mutters.

I stay silent not wanting to say anything else incase he kicks me out the car and id have to walk. 

He then pulls out a cigarette from the box then lighting it. He rolls down the window as he takes the cigarette to his lips and inhales it holding it in before breathing out. The smoke gets caught in my lungs as I start coughing uncontrollably.

"What never smoked before" he snickers.

"No of course not" i mange to get out after my coughing fit.

"Pathetic" he says "Better stick your head out the window so you can breathe"

And I do exactly that.

Well not exactly I just rolled the window down but you get what I mean right....right.


We finally arrive at school and as soon as we do I unfasten my seat belt and run straight to my locker to grab my books out for first lesson and head straight there as I've already missed registration.

I push open the door to English lit luckily I'm in time for my first lesson, that would of been embarrassing to walk in with my hair a mess, my face red in a room full of people who already don't like me.

I take my seat in the middle row by the window and take out my book and pens.


Finally I get to go home although I do need to put my books back in my locker.

I get to my locker and open it just as I'm about to place my books inside I get shoved my books scatter all over the floor I look over to see who pushed me of course none other than Meghan Lancaster.

I dart my eyes back down not feeling worthy enough to stare her in the eyes.

"Next time I see you with Luke it won't just be your books on the floor." If looks could kill I would be a dead man.

Well woman because I don't have a pee pee

"Got that sweetheart.?" She says innocently.

I nod so fast I think I've given my self whiplash.

"Good" she walks away her hair swaying, her hour glass figure and her long golden legs taking big strides as she struts.

God I wish I could be like her but be a nicer version. Yeh.. that would be nice but nope I'm suck with pale skin a boxy figure and short chicken legs.

I sigh picking my books up and putting them into my locker quickly incase they get thrown in the floor again.

I close my locker and walk towards the exit of the school. To make my way home agin with no ride and this time I'll look both ways ten times so I don't run into him again.


Sorry I've been gone for so long and this chapter is shitty and short. I've had no clue what to write and I thought we should include a little Luke pov how saucy. Just like Delilah's dream 😉😉 anyway hope you've enjoyed this chapter even though it's short and shit but ay ho

Love you all

1039 words

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