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"Dee" a voice calls but I ignore it pulling my duvet cover my head.

"Delilah!" The voice yells. I let out a loud scream looking up to find my mum looking angrily at me.

"Get up we've got to go! The Kingstons are waiting for us" She says in a rushed tone.

"Okay okay I'll be ready give me 5 minutes" I say rubbing the sleep from eyes.

I rush out of my bed and into my bathroom to do my morning pee as usual, and brush my teeth.

I speed walk back into my bedroom knocking over my perfume.

Aha I knew I forgot something

I pick it up and shove it into my bag. I put on some grey joggers and a black shirt with a graphic print on it. I grab my suit case and head for the door; just as I reach the door I turn around taking one last look making sure I haven't forgotten anything. I sate at my unmade bed know I don't even have a miller second to rush over and make it. Of course I rush over there and make my bed who likes a messy bed.

Not me
Well maybe me
But ugh I don't even have time to be arguing with my self what am I even saying-

"Delilah hurry the fuck up now!" My mum yells starting me, she never swears and when she does she means business and the wooden spoon will ready.

I rush downstairs with my suitcase my mum hurrying me outside. We get to the cab driver and put our luggage in and fine a seat.

These cabs are the best there huge and have air conditioning and when they don't it gets soooo stuffy

I take a seat next to my mum just as I put my seat belt on the cab driver turns on the engine. I pull out my phone.

Yesss now I get to play subway surfers for 3 hours! and my mum won't tell me to get off my phone because there is no homework or chores to do eeekkkkk.


Once we arrive at the airport we all grab our luggage our the boot of the car. Just as I'm about to garb out someone's luggage just to be helpful a hand stops me.

"Lilah that's my mums suitcase your not gonna be able to carry that my dad barely can" Luke says his eyes meeting mine.

I roll my eyes and scoff "your being over dramatic of course I can lift it I'm not a weakling like you"

I try lift it.

Huh I guess it is heavier than I thought

I try and lift it again. And again. And again and to no avail I huff in defeat.

"Told you" he smirks reaching over me and grabbing the suitcase and lifting it with ease. I stare at him in shock well not really shock I just didn't want to admit I was ogling at his muscles.

Hehe oops

When I finally meet his eyes again he winks and walks away dragging the suitcase away with him. I sigh and pull my suitcase along with me trying to catch up with everyone.

We decide to go to weather spoons to get something to eat before the flight airplane food is poop and expensive. Once we all finish we go to the bathroom and do a little shopping; soon after our flight gets called on. We make our way through security and wait to board our flight.


After what seems like days and days of waiting we can finally board the plane. Finding our seats I take a seat by the window sitting next to Sophia we chat for a little while before deciding to plug in my earphones and listen to some frank ocean.

I feel a movement next to me so I look up to see who it is and it's none other than the one and only smelly poopy Luke Kingston sitting down in the seat next to me.

I pull out my earphones "what are you doing?" I ask.

"Sophia gets scared on flights and likes to sit next to my mum and dad my seat just happens to be in the middle of my dad and mum." He says snarkily

"And don't worry I'm not to thrilled about sitting next to to you either" he adds

"Good" in reply

"Good" he repeated

This is gonna be one long flight.


I need to pee
I really need to pee
But that means having to walk over Luke and my butt or my front bottom will be in his face neither of which are good
I'm just gonna suck it up

I stand up from my seat about to walk/ shimmy past luke but he doesn't move.

"Luke can you move move?" I ask semi politely.

"Nah I'm good" he smirks.

"Luke move" I demand.

"Nope" he says popping the 'p'.

"Luke move otherwise I would have to sit on your lap and neither of us want that" I say with urgency. I'm gonna pee my self. Finally he moves his legs allowing me past but all of a sudden a shake goes through the plane sending me tumbling back on to Luke's lap my face grows red.

All of a sudden a Ding dong sound appears bride a voice comes out "this is your captain speaking there is a little bit of turbulence nothing to worry about just make sure to stay in your seats if it gets any worse than this."

All of a sudden I don't need to pee I wonder why. Oh I know. Because I'm strong on Luke freaking Kingstons lap!!!

"You can get up now" Luke says cleaning his throat.

"Oh. Yeh.. right" I say with a croaking voice. Standing up and rushing into the bathroom and taking my long awaited pee.

This could not get any worse

All of a sudden a voice appeared from outside the the door "excuse me mam sorry but you to come out the turbulence is getting worse" the flight attendant said.

"Okay one second" I say finishing my business.

Once I'm out I walk back into my seat making no eye contact with Luke thank goodness he moved himself this time so i wouldn't have to go through that torcher again. sitting back into my seat and putting my earphones back in before drifting off to sleep hopefully riding my mind forever of that moment.


A/n: hey it's been a while sorry I started this chapter but had no idea on how to finish it and I have no clue about air ports I just follow my mum around and copy her so sorry if I got a lot wrong or a little wrong I'm sure I got something wrong feel free to correct me but in a respectful way
Hope yall enjoyed loves yaaaaa

Word count:1157

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