T w e l v e

268 8 1

21st march 2020

Billie's POV

Its been about a month since spraining my ankle and El has barely let me put any pressure on it unless we were doing physical therapy or icing my ankle but today is the first show i have since spraining my ankle but i have to do it with a boot on. Thats not the exciting part.

im asking EL out today. yep thats right you heard me correct. i have finally built up the courage to ask her out but after the show tho. I couldn't do the show if she rejected me I wouldn't have the energy.

Me and El are currently on a 2 hour drive to the venue rn since my parents left last night to go but I wasn't ready so I asked El if she could drive today and pick me up which she instantly agreed to.

It's been about 10 minutes into the drive and I could feel my eyes slowly shutting but I kept jolting myself awake. I'm sure El has noticed at this point too.

"If you want to go to sleep, go ahead love. You still got 1hr 50 atleast plus you have the show tonight so you need the rest." She said putting her hand on my thigh leaving it there.

"But then you will be lonely. The whole thing was you didn't want to drive alone so that's why I offered you to come with us"

"I'm not alone tho. You're here. Honestly it's okay just have a nap and I'll lightly put music on" she explained while moving her thumb slightly causing her to rub my thigh. I don't want to sleep anymore I wanna fu- "bil, baby just sleep okay. And I'll wake you up when we have 10 minutes left" I nodded and closed my eyes but sleep wasn't the thing I was thinking about when her thumb is rubbing my thigh.

I reached down and put my hand on top of hers which stopped the movement thankfully allowing me to slowly drift into the world of sleep.

El's POV

10 minutes into the drive and I could see Billie fighting to keep herself awake next to me. I luckily managed to convince her which now leads to the sleeping person next to me holding my hand. Luckily I didn't drive a manual otherwise I would be fucked.

Once I knew she was asleep I connected my phone to the car and put on my driving playlist while turning the volume down so it doesn't wake her up.

To be completely honest I can't remember the last time I heard this playlist which as a couple of songs played I instantly started dancing lightly in my seat making sure I don't wake up the passenger princess.

A couple songs into the playlist 'idfc' by blackbear came on making me realise how good I have it. Like I know we are still in the talking stage but I haven't seen any red flags as of recent or maybe I just paint over the flag because I'm not fan of the colour red.

Maybe I should ask her out. I mean what would be the worst that would happen. She would stop talking to me. Oh wait that's bad. I don't think I could cope. I've gotten in such a routine of texting Bil as soon as I wake up and just as I'm about to go to sleep that I don't even know what I would do with that time now.

What did I even use to do during our daily FaceTime calls cause one thing I can tell you was I never used to be busy.

But I remember the call we had maybe 2 weeks ago at like 2 in the morning. We were both so tired from the day we had to the point we were just saying whatever that comes to our mind when billie was talking about how good it would feel to be my girlfriend.

I don't know whether she was trying to send me a hint because she was more like mumbling everything.

Maybe I should ask her out? I mean what harm would it do but when. I could do it before the show but what if she says no. Would she be in a bad mood and not want to preform. Or maybe I could ask afterwards and set up something while she's preforming.

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