F o u r t e e n

198 3 0

29th March 2020

Billie's POV
I woke up feeling the heaviness of El's arm that's laying over me. I can't help but smile down at her. I tucked a strand of hair behind of her ear while humming to myself.

What a drag to love you like I do

I got up making sure not to disturb her and grabbed my notebook before heading into Finns room who is already awake.

"I have an idea of a song. Like I have a couple of the lyrics and the kinda tune." I explained to which he nodded to the empty seat next to him.

"Okay so gimme some lyrics which we'll write on the board and then we can work from there" he said standing up and getting the big whiteboard that we use to work out all the lyrics.

I was good at feeling nothing, now I'm hopeless

What a drag to love you like I do

I said as I noted it down on the whiteboard. "You really like her huh" he said smiling which I nodded smiling in response "I haven't seen you so happy. You deserve every piece of this" he said before turning to the computer and opening up all his music stuff.

A couple of hours later we finished most of the lyrics. I'm really surprised cause that never happens usually it takes days or weeks. I rubbed the lyrics off the board after we noted it in the word doc and started on the music.

We both put headphones and started playing some random chords that sound similar to the tone I was humming earlier. It was all going good until the song didn't sound like how I wanted. I mean I understand he can't hear what's in my brain but he won't listen.

"No finneas that shit doesn't sound good"

El's POV

As soon as I woke up I could feel my head practically throbbing out of my own skull. Fuck hangovers honestly. I rolled over expecting billie to be here since I'm in her house but there's no one. I also don't remember putting on these pyjamas. Not that I remember a lot from last night.

I stood up slightly to be greeted with my reflection. I look like what someone would look like if they went into a washing machine that was turned on. I have sweat on my forehead from how hot it's feels in this room and my hair is just wow.

I stared at myself a little longer. What does Billie even seen in me. I mean the most interesting part of me is how I want to be a firefighter but she doesn't even know that yet. To her I'm a girl who works full time in subway and is a massive fan of her music.

My thoughts get cut off by billies voice "no finneas that shit doesn't sound right" She yelled so I followed the direction the noise was coming from.

"Shut up Bil she's gonna wake up" finn said as I opened the door

"Too late" billie said putting her focus on me "good morning baby" she spoke so much louder than before. It feels like there's an earthquake in my head.

"I- umm I appreciate the attention but can you maybe be quieter" I asked rubbing my head which she instantly had a guilty look on her face.

"Shit umm I'm sorry let me go and get you something that should help" she said running out of the room leaving me to lie on I'm guessing Finn's bed face down.

"You regret last night huh" he said laughing.

"I don't regret anything" I picked my head up smiling at him and then putting my head back on the bed gently.

"Baby I brought you some meds and water that mom said would help with the headache" she said in almost a whisper while rubbing my back and helping me sit up.

"Me and finn are gonna record a bit longer and then I'll come back in my room. I would offer you to stay here but it might make your headache worse." She said and I just hugged her everything about that hug felt right. Like she wanted to protect me and take all the pain I'm currently feeling and make her feel it herself.

I left the room leaving them to it to find my phone which is on charge using a spare charger. God I love this women.

I opened up safari bringing me to the page full of the last thing I searched. The nearest uni with the course I want to do is 2 hours away. I have 3 weeks to apply otherwise I have to wait another year but how am I going to tell billie.

(I know it takes longer to apply to uni but it's Wattpad)
After 5 minutes of debating I ended up applying. There's still a 50% chance that I'm not going to get in. How would billie take it if I do get I tho. Maybe I should tell her now so then-

"Baby we finished" billie said walking into the room instantly lowering her voice. "Imma cuddle you until you feel better" she said before climbing into bed and pulling me more to her side.

We laid there for a while just embracing each other but the longer the silence lasted the more guilty I felt.

"I applied to go to uni" I said but kinda instantly regretted it.

"Oooo my baby girl is smart as fuckkkkkk" she said holding me tighter yet I can feel her smiling so hard "so what's my smart girl applying to do"

"A firefighting course"

"Girlll your gonna be a fit as fuck firewomen"she said laughing but soon stopped once she realised I wasn't laughing. "What's up. You don't sound to excited about it"

"The university is 2 hours away. I'm barely going to see you if I get in" I could feel my eyes watering up. This is what happens when I get I relationships. I get soft af.

"It's okay. We can facetime and I can travel to see you whenever your free" She said clearly trying to make me feel better "as soon as I pass my test I'm gonna drive to see you"

I didn't say anything but hugging her. What if the relationship goes down hill from here. "We will be okay right?" I questioned to which she kissed the top of my head "of course we will"

-1090 words

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