92. Precious Little Contract

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Reign's POV

There was something in the air... a certain hue floating in the air.

Is it pollen?

A fresh scent floating around, a mild floral scent in the room. But then something beamed in my eye as soon as I tried to lift my head up, something sparkling outside the room.

I raised my body slowly to sit up and Nick shifted beside me making a hard guttural sound in his sleep.

What the...

My eyes ran all over the area looking at the florid setting before me. Usually, my heart beats like a hummingbird's heartbeat but right now it seems to have slowed down; this is preposterous. The entire room was filled with sunflowers and baby's breath flowers; even the ceiling.

My head turns here and there, looking around. God, there were flowers even on the door, nightstand; the whole room was engulfed by sunflowers except the bed.

Oh dear lord...

There were little, vibrant hummingbirds flying in the bedroom, fleeting from one flower to another. My view looks straight out of like romance-dripping novel that a very lovelorn writer has penned down.

Realisation soon started settling on me, this... this looks like...


My eyes trailed to the big letters standing boldly outside over the pool.


He didn't...

The letters were made of glass, prismatic glass. They were huge and were positioned over the pool, throwing rainbow lights on the glimmering water under the bright morning sunshine. My heart sank as soon as I adjusted to their iridescent glares.


I couldn't process it. My brain that just got woke up from sleep went on a freaking strike; the human it's working for is overusing it.

He did not do this...

Am I dreaming? Please tell me I'm dreaming

He shuffled in the sheets, silk fabric rubbing on each other. Nick's radiating warmth could be felt on my back.

I cleared my throat, "Nick?", I let out in my morning voice; staring at the sight wide-eyed.

"Hm?", he grumbled in his morning voice which was much raspier than usual.

"What's goi--?", I turn my head to him and...

I looked at what he was holding out in his hand and then at his pleasant face in disbelief.

Oh my god...

I froze in my spot; I did not know how to react on the outside but my body started reacting on the inside as I stared at the little glass box in his hand.

"What are you doing?", I ask, all breathless as my chest starts heaving up and down.

He reached out and wiped the tear that unknowingly escaped my eye. He looked down at the ring and then at me, "Marry me, Reign." He says softly, searching my eyes with his brown ones.

I started hyperventilating. I can't do this right now. This is too much.

Why? Why is he doing this? I don't want this!

I felt a panic attack fighting to rush out of me. I felt sick to my stomach. The next thing I know is, I'm on my feet and running towards the bathroom, crushing sunflowers on my way.

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