Chapter 36

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"Man the capstan. Raise the main topyard!" Cora called as rain soaked their bodies and dripped off their eyelashes. And thunder and lightning crackled above them before a bolt struck the sea between them and the Dutchman and the ocean began to churn.

"MAELSTROM!" Gibbs bellowed and Cora ran up the stairs towards the helm, Will suddenly at her side.

"Father, ye need to take the helm," she urged and he grinned a malicious grin at his daughter.

"Aye, that be true, me Cora." And he pushed Mr Cotton out of the way as he took the wheel and began to bark out orders. "Brace up yards, you cack-handed deck apes! Dying is the day worth living for."

And Cora grinned something fierce as Will looked at her and into the whirlpool they sailed.

"She's on our stern and gaining!" Will announced as he spotted the Dutchman following them in.

"More speed!" Cora bellowed.

"Haul yer wind and hold yer water," Barbossa added.

And then came the cannon fire as the Dutchman let loose their triple guns.

"Take us out or they'll overbear us!" Will said but Barbossa scowled at him.

"Nay! Further in. we'll cut across to faster waters!"

And he spun the wheel as Cora placed her hand on Will's arm. "He knows what he's doing," she told him before leaning across the railing that overlooked the rest of the ship. "Prepare to broadside!" And the two ships were almost on opposite sides of the maelstrom now.

"Captain the guns! Bear a hand!" Mr Gibbs commanded.

"Muster your courage men!" Will encouraged as he and Cora made their way down to the main deck and the cannons were loaded, Elizabeth fervently trying to keep the gunpowder dry. "At the ready!"

"On my command!" Cora said as she helped haul a line. "Wait till we're board and board!"

"Batten down the hatches!" Gibbs screamed as he rushed below deck and organised the cannons and gunners.

And Cora put every ounce of power that she could into her voice as she tried to make it carry over the storm. "FIRE!"

"FIRE!" her father echoed.

"FIRE!" Will preached.

"Fire all!" Elizabeth added as she was allowed to light a cannon.

And the ship shook as they both fired every cannon they had and took fire from the Dutchman as they fired every cannon they had.

"It be too late to alter course now, mates," her father called and Cora couldn't help but grin as they sailed further into the whirlpool. And she let out a cheer as she watched the cannon she lit hit the helm of the Dutchman.

"PREPARE TO BOARD!" she ordered as the ships got closer and closer together as they sailed in circles, further into the whirlpool, the sound of cannon fire a constant melody.

And the brave crew of the Pearl readied their ropes as they sailed further into the abyss, and they swung out to meet the mutant sailors of the Dutchman. Some fell from both sides into the swirling unknown of the whirlpool's darkness, wherever Calypso had sent them to fall they suspected be worse than Davy Jones' Locker.

Cora had two pistols in her hands as she shot down ropes, not bothering to aim for the sailors that couldn't be killed and leaving that to Calypso as she sent them spiralling into the maelstrom. Will was still at her side as they fired again and again, but that wasn't enough to keep them off the ship as they managed to land, the rain still pouring down on them.

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