Chapter 37

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A mutant swung at her as she tightened her grip on the wet rope and drew her sword, but rather than cut them down, she cut down the rope as she sent the roaring creature into the roaring darkness of the whirlpool. As she managed to tuck away her sword, she clung to the rope for dear life as the tops of the masts of both ships collided. And then someone was clinging onto her.

"Perfect timing Delia," her uncle grinned as he held fast to her and the rope.

"Did ye learn yer lesson?" she snarled as his weight bared down on her.

"Yes, don't betray you, blah, blah, blah. Do you happen to have a pistol on you?"

"What for?"

"Just trust me."

"My trust is a little hard to come by these days," she snapped as Jack rolled his eyes and took the gun as he aimed, Cora's rope swinging in an entirely new direction after she collided with Jack who'd been thrown from the yardarm by Davy Jones.

And through the rain and the fog, Jack aimed the pistol as it struck true and the dead man's chest fell from Davy Jones' hand as he scowled in their direction.

"All you, Uncle Jack," Cora shouted over the wind and rain before she let her hands burn as they slid down the rope and she tried to time it perfectly to land on deck, but someone got in her way.

Will Turner hadn't hesitated to go after the woman he loved and Elizabeth herself had actually been the one to hand him a rope before he went swinging across the abyss. And while chaos surged around him, his eyes settled on the small chest lying on the deck. Will had gone for it before a body came colliding with his.

He and Cora tumbled across the rain-soaked deck as Cora landed on top of him this time, both of them a little dizzy.

"Are-are you ok?" he asked, his head still spinning a little bit but whether it was from the collision or from just being around her, he was unsure.

"Yeah. You?"

"I will be."

"Good. Get up," Cora said as she forced them both to their feet and she leaned on Will and forced her eyes to clear. "Get the chest out of here! I'll look for the key."

Will gave her a sharp nod as he stumbled forward, his hands closing around the chest as he ran across the deck whilst Cora had her sword drawn as she began duelling with some of the mutants still on the ship. And in the back of her eye, she saw both Jack screaming as Davy Jones screamed at him and chased him about the ship, and she saw Will fighting a familiar face.

And when Jack was smacked to the ground, Cora kicked the mutant she was fighting over the edge of the ship as she stood before Davy Jones. Her hair was stringy as strands fell from her braid and clung to her face, slick with rainwater. But as her chest rose and fell, she felt no fear as the Captain of the Flying Dutchman stared down the Pirate King of the Brethren Court.

"Barbossa! Ye'll be findin' no mercy from me!" he roared at her, but she didn't flinch an inch as she tightened her grip on her sword as the rain slid down her body, soaking her no more as she was kept warm by pure adrenaline.

"Likewise! Calypso sends her regards."

And the two of them cried out as their swords clashed.

Cora had always been a good fighter, she'd been training all her life for crying out loud, but Jones had been fighting for centuries. And as such, her nerves began to grow as her arm shook with the force of each of Jones' hits. They moved back and forth across the deck before Cora was thrown into the stairs that led to the helm. 

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