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                        Chapter One

TW: Overdose, Traumatic Events

It was 4am sharp, the sun had not yet come up. It was dark and chilly, with the moon in a crescent shape still shinning. Kingston had just woken up to start his day. He got out of his king sized bed and looked out the window. He scanned outside.

No cars.

No people.

Not even animals.

Just silence. 

The way he liked it. That was one of the reasons he would wake up early. So that he could relax and think. The trees leaves gently flowed in the air. The bushes and grass did the same. He exhaled slowly and threw his hands up to stretch.

He walked out of his room to the bathroom to start his daily ritual. It was quite simple. He'd wake up, brush his teeth, shower, and eat breakfast before starting his long, harsh day.

Kingston washed his face with cold water and brushed his teeth.  Then, he took a cold shower. Once he was finished he tied the towel around is slim waist and got dressed into a black sweatsuit.

He stepped into his kitchen and made his coffee. He liked it straight black. No milk, creamer, or sugar. Just black. Kingston paired it with two boiled eggs and one piece of toast. He sprinkled some salt and pepper. He ate while reading the newspaper.

Kingston loved reading the newspaper. Even though it was less popular these days, he couldn't risk being captured and put away for life in prison. It was more of a safety thing.

And yes, he did have a phone but it was a burner phone. Once he was finished with his breakfast, it was time to head to the gym.

Kingston liked to switch it up everyday, sometimes he'd go on a run, to different gyms or just stay home. He was paranoid that someone could be watching or following him. After all, you can't trust everyone in this business.

Just as he was about to head out for a morning run, he got a phone call from an "unknown" caller. He hesitated before answering it.

"Yo? who dis?" He asked in a concerning voice. Nobody say anything. He asked again but this time in a stern, aggressive tone.

"It's the police... nah nigga! It's Malik, i'm just fucking with you, King." He laughed.

"Yeah haha, what do you want?" Kingston grumbled. Kingston wasn't the one for jokes. He took everyone seriously and didn't have a great sense of humor. Well, atleast he never showed that side of him to anybody.

"Imma need you to slide yo' ass over here, I got a job." Malik said in a rough voice. "So you want it or not? Cause I can give it to somebody else like......Dionne!"

Kingston paused and rolled his eyes. The name Dionne irked him, it made his blood boil. "I'll take it." Kingston hanged the phone up quickly and closed his flip phone.

Dionne Caldwell, where do we even begin? Dionne was Kingston's girlfriend of 2 years. They planned a whole life together until he found out she had cheated on him with Malik.

Once Kingston found out about it, he wanted to leave Malik's business but Malik threatened to kill him and his father. So, Kingston decided to stay and distance himself from Dionne. Malik rubbed him and her fucking in his face all the time, knowing Kingston would do nothing.

Kingston grabbed his keys and left his house. He started the car and turned on the radio. He drove off to Malik's place.


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