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Chapter 2

Aaliyah paced around her living room, trying to calm herself down. She couldn't believe someone sent somebody to kill her.

And she knew exactly who was behind it, she ran upstairs to her bedroom and opened the safe that was in her closet, behind her clothes.

She took out her pistol and closed the safe, then went back downstairs to the kitchen.

She held her head with the gun in her hand and thought, "what am I gonna do! Okay think Aaliyah."

She thought about telling Zyla but then she would have to tell her the truth about her past and all the scandalous things she did.

She threw the gun down and started to panic. She thought what if the gunman had came back and finished the job.

"I gotta get outta here!" Aaliyah panicked and ran back upstairs. She grabbed her cheetah print duffel bag and filled it with clothes, money, and other toiletries she might need.

She grabbed the pistol and headed straight out the door into her black Honda Accord, then set the bag and gun on the passengers seat.

Aaliyah looked at the time and saw it was 1:26 am. She yawned, putting her hands up to stretch.

"i'll just get a room and calm myself down. Everything is alright!" she slowly  exhaled out and drove off.


Kingston walked into Malik's office nervous but he tried not to show it, Dionne and 3 of is goons were in there.

"Yo' King! Is the job done?" Malik slightly smiled, and took a sip of his liquor.

"Yea, she's dead. I got rid of her body too." Kingston lied and took a seat in the chair. "So where's my money, nigga?"

"Damn King, relax for a minute. You want a drink?" He asked him. "Nah nigga, I want my mother fucking money." Kingston slightly raised his voice.

"And I told you to fucking relax, what's your problem? This shit getting to you? I ain't hire no punk, you said you could handle it and I expect you to do that." Malik slammed his hand on the desk making the whole table shake.

He pulled out a big, orange envelope and passed it to Kingston.

"It's all in there. Now get the fuck out and i'll call you went I need you." Malik snarled.

Kingston got up from the couch and walked out with the envelope, Dionne followed behind him. "Wait! King wait!" she yelled.

"What the fuck do you want! I told you I want nothing to do with you."

"I know that, and i'm sorry for everything. But can you please give me a chance? " She pleaded.

"Listen, I got a lot of shit going on..... but maybe we can talk tomorrow." Kingston looked at the time. "I'm exhausted and I had a long day."

"I completely understand, i'll see you tomorrow?" she smiled.

"Yeah..." Kingston walked to his car and drove off. He was exhausted and could barely keep his eyes open on the road, he decided to stop at a hotel since his house was 30 minutes away.

He checked in and went to his hotel room and flopped into his bed. At this moment he didn't think about all the shit that had happened. All he thought about was that comfy bed and sleeping.


The sun beamed through Aaliyah's hotel room windows. The rays hit her face making her skin glow like butter.
She immediately woke up and grabbed her phone from the night stand next to her bed.

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