Part 2

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I wake up and get ready as today if the day we are finally free again, to wander hogwarts and do classes properly instead of having to do a bunch of work within our dorm rooms

I have a quick shower before getting dressed and then head out of the dorm room with my bag full of everything I need for the school day

I head straight to the great hall with whispers going around the room as people have the daily prophet in their hands

I go and sit down next to Neville who is too reading the paper, making some humming in agreement noises

"So was it all right or wrong?"

Neville- "well what was said wasn't fully done but because of her back story about her parents and what her parents have done in the past, everyone agrees you did right, punishment by making her disabled which yeah if you born or made disabled is truly in some people eyes not a punishment because it will be wrong saying that seeing as some disabled people would say otherwise, so yeah but in her case is a right punishment so she can still continue to live life just in a wheel chair, oh and her sister will be living with her as they wish to not separate the two of them especially with what happened to Melena. So yeah, right, it was all right, she was given a second chance in life, same with neglected baby sister"

Harry- I nod "good good, after finding out her story, it just felt wrong especially since she was stealing so she could run away with her baby sister, so that the two could survive out in this cruel world"

Neville- "don't worry about it, the Ministry will male sure to do a back ground check and near the person's thoughts of the two before daring to give them to a family or people who can't have a child, so they will both go to a loving home especially with the Ministry taking abuse and this case seriously. They aren't happy about you killing the parents as they would of had time in Azkaban but glad even though the killer cut the girls legs off but they kept her and the baby alive"

Harry- "why does everyone think the killer would dare kill a baby?"

Neville- "killer is within the name Harry especially of they believe the killer is insane which they sorts of prove them not being fully insane as they had some sympathy for the girl, meaning they might now off the whole cases that are coming in about the killings as they too agree the person did wrong but should be punished instead obviously"

Harry- "killing aren't going to stop but those who get punished, will be sent to them for their crimes"

Neville- "agreed"



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