Part 3

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I wander around the castle late at night when I notice some people hanging around something looking abit scared

I look closer seeing a beaten up now going really pale body of a young boy called Thomas Hill who is in first year

I hear them whispering about what are they going to do as they killed him accidently

This make me smirk, not because of what happened to the poor innocent boy who is now laying dead on the floor who I see besides me looking towards the people who killed him

I look to him as he looks to me even though I have my invisibility cloak on, I do a slitting throat motion which he gives me a nod as I see ghost tears rolling down his face, poor boy

I wave my hand and hear them let out a scream in shock. I drag them into the close by abandoned classroom, oooh and its the old dark arts classroom as well, maybe I should do what your supposed to do in this classroom but obviously not use my wand or it would warn the Ministry, so can't wait for that Ministry watching charm to be taken off so I can use me wand whenever I want even though I have my wandless and wordless magic

I started using the crucio on them straight away, loving the screams they let out but luckily I had a silencing charm around the room or someone would come running, which ain't surprised they haven't after the shocked alerted screams they let out before hand before I had them dragged into this classroom

The Boy is sitting on the desk watching as this all goes on with a smile on his face but pulling a disgust face every now and again as I start to use knives as well on them all

When I finished using the knives and crucio on them I turn to the boy who nods indicating to now kill them

I go over and stab each on of them in the chest making this to lightly knick their hearts as they slowly bleed out and die


I wander to the great hall in the morning seeing a few people hanging around there

I peak inside seeing the three floating heads saying murders and Thomas body laying on the table saying R.I.P above him with the words - the boy who got killed by three horrible people who where punished and died slowly - floating above him as his ghost self sits by his body side as he gets questioned by Dumbledore but he just sits there glaring at the headmaster, not saying a word because the poor boy barely ever spoke, only ever to say spells and charms, nothing else, he even whispered them all the time unless had to shout if it was a powerful much stronger spell

The headmaster comes marching towards the door and glares at me, making me looking around towards the other

Dumbledore- "your supposed to be finding the killer and protecting these students, why aren't you?"

Harry- "because that's your job sir not mine, just because I am the chosen one doesn't mean I am capable of protecting these students and finding the killer, if I go investigating, that's basically asking for a death wish, he or she could kill me for all I know if I dare go snooping in things that shouldn't be looked into as you are indicating towards"

Dumbledore- "some saviour you are, your are nothing more than a pathetic worthless freak, that should of never been the boy who lived" he say pushing the boy, making him fall over

Draco- "I would be careful if I where you, headmaster" he says with his friends stepping between Potter and the headmaster

Dumbledore- "and why is that Mr Malfoy"

Draco- "because look around you, you pushed a boy over right in front of everyone, that's not going to be a good look for you now is it, especially when all your crimes one day will be out and theirs nothing you can do about it. The rape victims and the abused ones" and then he looks to Potter "and the one you stole from" before looking back to the headmaster "so you better what your back headmaster or it will become bloody, and no I ain't the murder, I wish I was but I 100% am not as I would of been easily caught straight away, same with my friends here, so you better start looking somewhere else for this murder because it's happening within these walls but it ain't no student or Professor and they are some how getting in and out of this castle"

Dumbledore- "1 hundred points from Slytherin for daring to threaten me and stand up to me, oh and three week worth of detention all of your little gang including you Harry, you have three weeks worth of detention with them, enjoy" he says before heading to his office, knowing he will have to deal with the Ministry all over again, seriously he can't catch a break as there's atleast a killer once a month sometimes twice a month



Everyone's Dead InsideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin