Part 6

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Well that hoilday went by quickly as I am starting to pack my things away again already including taking quite a few things with me seeing as this year we don't really need to wear school clothing to classes unless it's a school event situation, so I get get wear anything I want any time without getting into trouble, if you didn't know if that was happening or not already, I am very kind of forgetful at times you see

Anyway, now the plans are to continue torturing and killing throughout the school year, this holiday was a break from that all, so now it's time to start getting covered in blood and guts again, I can't wait for it

As for the whole Dumbledore situation, well he should be back at the school again as he used his money to get free from the whole invading not just a party but someone's home when he wasn't invited, he tried to get the rest out of jail but let's just say they certainly didn't free the Weasleys as they had more than Trespassing and attacking people on their plate, so they are still locked up until their trial where as everyone else is free

Draco- "are you okay love? Do you need help?" He says when looking up from his book where he is sitting on Harry's bed, as he noticed Harry stopped moving aka making noise and is stood their pulling a thinking face, making wonder what Harry is thinking about "whats on your mind?"

Harry- "whats going to happen these months of school, making me wonder what's going to happen and what I am going to do throughout the rest of the school year. Making me wonder if their will be more killing or what the hell Dumbledore going to do because I bet he is going to try to get me into a corner and question me especially since our proposal is out in the paper now instead of us doing the whole me going over to the Slytherin table to then jump into your lap and snog you, so certainly ain't going to see his shocked face unfortunately but certainly going to hear about it from him as he will certainly hate that I am not only with a Slytherin but a suspect death eater in training especially now that you have the mark" I say as I strokes the death eater mark on Draco's arm making me wonder if I will ever get one or a different mark even though I am a leader myself within the dark side or will the death eater mark stay on Draco's arm or become different as I am the leader to people who are my age or younger than me who have joined the dark side but can't get the mark until they are sixteen

"Plus, I really wish to open the Pandora box and let out Dumbledore's mistakes to the world as well as killing himself because he will be more likely to escape Azkaban, then being able to be kept there until he dies which won't happen seeing as he is slowly dying anyway"

Draco- he blinks "wait Dumbledore is dying?"

Harry- I turn looking at him "wait you didn't know about that?"

Draco- he shakes his head "no, not even Tom knows about that, who else knows?"

Harry- "me and Snape, seeing as he is the only giving him fake potions as Dumbledore asked him to make potions to slow down the effect so he can live longer to finish whatever he wants to finish"

Draco- "let me guess dirty water with a weird taste to it?"

Harry- I nod "yes and obviously food colours to make it look more effective, hopefully kills the man alot faster than he hopes, but I still want to kill him either way, even though I know he's dying anyway, even though I would be killing a sick man who won't make it much longer"

Draco- he shakes his head "it is abit stupid but I understand why you want to do it, now I have told everyone the secret entrances and how to get into hogwarts but we ain't planning it to obviously happen within the bit or hopefully we can do abit earlier than we planned to do it"

Harry- "as long as he dies by my hand, I don't care when and how it all happens will happily do it within the great hall in front of everyone if I have too"

Draco- "you are so dangerous and insane, I love it"

Harry- I smirk "oh I know you love this side of me, wild and freeing aren't I?"

Draco- he crawls to the edge of the bed kissing the other boy "indeed you are" before pulling the other boy onto the bed with him



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